Which celebrity would you like to be pen pals with?

Felix Kjellburg. Maybe he’s not exactly a celebrity. Maybe he’s not one for writing letters. But he’s amazing and hilarious.

Baking or cooking?

Doesn’t matter; either way I’ll burn it.

Honestly, I wasn’t even aware that there was a distinction.

Which genre do I absolutely hate and what would my title in that genre be?

My least favorite genre would have to be either Werewolf or Vampire romances. It’s getting so overused, and frankly I’m just tired of going to bookstores (eBooks suck) and seeing every young-adult fiction book with fangs and sleepy-eyed chicks on the cover.

If I had to write one?

It’d probably be called ‘Vampires Suck’ or something to that effect. All the vampires or werewolves would die by the end. I’d probably recreate ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’

What do I want to major in university?

I used to think psychology, but now I’m not so sure. I just want to be a writer.

Would I rather go to the Grammys or the Academy Awards?

Aie. Neither, really. Either way it’s a bunch of famous people I don’t really care about.

I have to set my story in a country that isn’t my own, the UK, Canada, or Australia. Where is it?

Do fictional countries count? If so, I already have, and it’s called Allem. If not, Ireland. Because it’s a cool place.

Would I rather be an extra in a very popular movie or be a character in an unpopular book?

I’d prefer to be a character. When I see myself on-screen, I always cringe. If I were to be a character, I’d be more comfortable with it.

What time period / place would I like to live in?

Medieval Europe always struck me as a cool time period, though I’m not sure how long I’d like to live there. I’m a girl, after all. I’d be basically property. Maybe if I could cross-dress and not get caught, then I’d enjoy it.

Am I an old soul or young soul?

I have always been a deep thinker, inclined to look on the dark side when told to look on the bright one. I’ve been that way as long as I can remember.

What song annoys me more than anything else?

Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson. Gaah. Good god.

Pick my favorite movie character and recast them.

I would take Alfons Heidrich from Conqueror of Shamballa and recast him into any movie where he didn’t have to flipping die. Because I loved that guy and he died for a silly reason. Well, maybe not. But I hated that movie.

Pick my favorite book character and put them into an entirely different book.

This’ll be confusing, but Kyle from ‘You’. In ‘You’, Kyle is the main character – but he’s also ‘you’, because the book is written in second person, like a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ book. Kyle’s life sucks. I think he would have more fun in ‘The Supernaturalist’, which I mentioned before. I think he’d like being able to blow stuff up.

In a movie of my life, who would play me?

I’ve been told by two less-than-honest not-exactly-friends that I look like Emma Stone. Ideally, I would be portrayed by Emma Watson, but I’m not British, so we heave a sigh and move on.

Interview With An Author: Quirky StyleWhere stories live. Discover now