alla mia stella

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I can't write a song to save my life
And I can't pretend I have words for you
Words that can ever suffice my love
For you and all that you do,
So instead I give you this poem
Which I'm trying hard to rhyme
But I can't think with the sound of rain
Accompanied by thoughts of you in my mind,
And all I can think is:
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

I have analogies that can only describe us as the stars and broken darts,
And my more feral and feline heart
Woefully bemoans the lack of our nine lives.
I can think of people we embody but none of them are real,
Dreaming is the next best thing I can do
After loving you.
I think we less exchanged hearts than we did steal,
And it was my most beloved crime:
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet"
Juliet could never know that the names we have, have made my heart skip a few beats,
Each time we speak.
And when we're ours, you mine and me yours,
time ceases to exist in those hours;
And I can yearn for it and I will pine:
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

Maybe the universe listens to something
Maybe we manifest our own destiny
Maybe my soul waited to meet yours till three years ago
Or maybe it had been waiting since five centuries or so.
But I can promise I feel the pull in my hands
Even across the four zero four five point seven miles of land.
The thought of you being real is enough to always make me smile,
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

Maybe you weren't meant to be my homeland
But you are everything worth defending,
Too much hiding can hurt, I know but
if you wait long enough, truth comes from pretending.
Let me fill you up with my love for you, because I have too many blank spaces I need you to cover,
I promise to keep you, London Boy, and stay and be your Lover.

Promise me:
Never growing up,
Never being complicated,
Dancing to a chaos that's sophisticated;
Sitting in daisies and daffodils and blue orchids,
Never worrying about another goodbye we may have to bid;

Would you run away with me,
Where we can leave our mind behind?
All I can ask:
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

My triumphant night crown,
My prince in dark red hoodies,
I want to get lost in the constellations
in your eyes,
I know the mornings are overrated but my nocturnal love never lies.
You've become my habit, my perfect partner in crime,
I hope we don't ever run out of time.

I can't write a song to save my life,
And I can't give you a real hug, which hurts sometimes.
I know life can be unfair,
It feels too much like an after-midnight Cinderella,
So I'm giving you what I can give you best,
Keep my words in your heart, mia stella.


PraetorOfSinnoh you can call it revenge? Or maybe an answer to a question you didn't ask. Maybe it's a promise, but yeah, here you go. Also it's 4 am and I'm half asleep so if there are typos- don't. <3333

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