Chapter 78 | Golden Lotus

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And yet, right in front of her eyes, he was wilting away because of her.

The ferocious blade of the Empress Dowager drew straight into Yuansong's heart, and then she pulled it out without mercy. Tears blinded Jingrui's vision, and she screamed as Yuansong fell onto his feet. She tried to shoot up, but a force by her feet made her tumble back onto the ground. Sobs choked up her throat as she plopped down, feeling the night to be the darkest and longest night of her life.

Lingyue gasped as she looked down at Yuansong within the sludge of crimson. She took steps back, staring down at her red hands. "No. My pure hands are stained. It's not supposed to be stained!" she cried, and her blade dropped down onto the floor, dispelling on its own. She stumbled back, shaking her head. "Well then, now that you are dying, the truth will be buried here. Many people died in Heaven, and for an insignificant maid like you to die, is another norm. Farewell, little maid." She stared at her bloody hands, and unable to accept it, she spun around before vanishing into the air. The night was left engulfed with the thick silence once more.

It was only when Lingyue's presence couldn't be felt anymore that the force that glued her feet and mute her vanished.

Her limbs went weak, her heart squeezed in her chest, and tears stained her cheeks. She ignored the pain of her battered body as she hurried towards Yuansong. Smoke rose from his body as he returned to his real form, not having enough energy left to hold onto the transformation.

Scrambling against the slippery pools of blood, she fell onto her knees beside Yuansong's disfigured body. "Y-Yuansong," her voice shook as she held him onto her lap. Her thumb ran across his ashen face.

His eyes were dull as he blinked it to stay conscious. "Little maid," his voice cracked from his throat.

Her heart sank, and her countenance was robbed of colours. "Yuansong." Her sobs choked up her throat. She shook her head, refusing to believe he was losing his life. "I'll take you to the Floating Abyss. Prince Zhanying will definitely be able to save you."

His eyes were filled with tears, but he hardened his expression to stay tough. "Don't bother, little maid. I know well that I won't make it."

Jingrui shook her head again, and her hold on Yuansong tightened. "What are you saying? You can't just leave me like this. You can't leave me alone. . ."

His eyes were sad, and tears slid down his cheek. "I guess you have to serve the Prince alone from now... Promise me, Jingrui, promise me you'll look after His Highness for me."

Her tears fell against his decaying face. "Why are you like this? You are the strongest bodyguard I have ever known, why are you saying this? You can't die—I can't let you die because of me. If you die for me, how can I live on forgiving myself?"

He cracked a smile subdued by pain. His hands clamped onto hers. "Promise me. I don't want you and His Highness to sever ties forever. Even though I told you, I don't like you and His Highness being a thing, I know that you are the only one whom the Prince has ever been happy with."

The pain bloated her heart, threatening to explode. "Stop scaring me with these words. Y-You have to live. I'll call you 'sir' and I'll be good. I won't ever cause trouble again, and I will always follow your rules." She sobbed as she pressed her cheek against his cold hand. "You have to live to see me get married. . ."

He coughed blood, but a smile remained on his fading complexion. "Little maid. I know I've always been mean to you, and I've always told you I hate you, but . . . Do you know you are the best friend I ever had? I want you to always be happy." He choked on the red in his mouth, and at the tear that streamed down his face. "Promise me to look after His Highness well, and promise me to live and give him the antidote. Avenge my death too, that'd be nice. My true form is a golden lotus. Once I die, I will become a seed. Can you give me to His Highness and let him plant me somewhere that outlook the freedom of this world? Only this way, can I reincarnate."

Jingrui nodded and closed her eyes. "I promise."

He smiled and looked up towards the sky that was beginning to lighten. He let out a pained chuckle. "I have always been worried that one day, when you marry His Highness, I would have to become your subordinate you can order around. . ." His laugh scraped against his throat, and he choked on his tears. "But, I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore. . ." His tears ran as he watched the sun rise above the canopy of trees, plastering a faint flame across the sky.

He closed his eyes and smiled. "I didn't know dawn could be so beautiful."

With that, his body began to fade. Like specks of light, his body dissipated into the morning air, lighting up the sky, and all that was left in her hand was a golden lotus seed.

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