{ Numbness }

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Jungkook packed his things, before he glanced at the still-asleep Jimin. He frowned slightly before opening the hospital door to leave for the dorm. He knew he probably wouldn't regret his decision.

- - -

Jimin woke up that morning, his face blank.
Honestly, Jimin didn't think he could cry after staying up for 2 weeks, crying himself to sleep everynight. The thing he wanted most when he woke up was Jungkook to be sitting there, smiling and holding his hand. But what he got was a cold, empty hospital room.

Jimin couldn't feel anything till tears began hurrying down his pale cheeks. His whole body was numb and his body felt heavy. He took a deep breath and let out his cries. Each tear symbolized all of the pain Jimin held back, as Jungkook had clung to Taehyung and not him. It showed how much Jimin was suffering as he watched the love of his life slowly drift away from him. And that hurt a lot.

The doctor came in, a few nurses came in as well. A nurse comforted Jimin, as he tried calming himself. The doctor had left a capsule of prescription drugs for Jimin to take everynight, to calm his mind. They were basically pain killers but worked more efficiently.

It was when Jimin's last 31 days began.

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