Gays Anatomy

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Gigi POV

Me and Nicky won the Mini challenge so we get to assign rolls to each of the girls and I think we did a pretty good job, I mean two queens didn't get the roll they wanted but I didn't really care.

I was memorizing my lines with Jackie and Jaida because we're in the same scene, and I was really excited because I did really well in the last improv challenge.

After filming I have a big bruise on my leg from Jan when she threw me to the ground so hard, so that hurt.

Me and Crystal were working on our cape runways just talking and Crystal said she was nervous and thought she didn't do good in the challenge, and I hate seeing her so sad.

On the way to the hotel the queens made plans to go to dinner at 7:30 which I didn't want to go but I'm sure that they will still drag me there anyway so I guess I'll go.

Me and Crystal were laying in my bed together and it was 6:50 so we had to start getting ready but I didn't want to get up "Get up you big baby, we have to get ready!"

She says picking me up from the bed "Crystal put me down!" I yell trying to escape her grasp. 

"Ugh fine, but please get ready!" She says setting me down back on the bed.

"Fine." I groan.

We head to the van to meet the girls to head to dinner "Someone looks upset." Jackie says laughing

"She just didn't want to get up." I hear Crystal say

"Were you to together?" she asks us both.

"Oh umm yeah we were hanging out, and Geege didn't want to get up."

"Oh ok, well let's go." (Next day in Untucked)

The top and bottom queens walked in and Nicky looked very upset and so did Crystal but not as much. Crystal sits by me and Widow, and Nicky is sitting in the chairs on the other side of us.

We get told that they had to say who they think has to go home and it breaks my heart to hear that Nicky said her self at least they didn't say Crystal.

Brita starts complaining about Aiden, and Nicky, Jackie, and Jaida are all yelling and fighting about Aiden and it's super chaotic and then Heidi comes in and yells at everyone and me and Crystal are just sitting there staring at each other in shock for how intense that was.

We get the five minute warning and I let Crystal listen to the lip-sync song and I left to talk to Nicky "How are you Nicky?" I ask

"Not thrilled but it is what it is." She says sounding disappointed.

"Well just know your words and let's hope it's not your time to go." I say

"Yeah, I love you Geege!"

"Love you to Nicky, and I don't want you to go home it would break my heart, your like my big sister!" I say and we both hug and I go and find Crystal to give her a hug.

"Crys!" I yell

"There you are." she says and I give her a hug.

"How are you feeling? " I ask.

"Umm nervous, I don't think I'm going to have to lip-sync but you never know." We stared at each other for a split second and I look for cameras real quick and give Crystal a quick kiss and hug and we headed to the Main stage.

"What was the kiss with Crystal for?" Jackie asked me.

"Oh that, that was just for good luck, that's it." I respond quickly.

"Mhm ok." I walk a way from Jackie and go to Crystal. When Crystal was called safe weight lifted of my shoulders, but I was also super sad because Nicky has to lip-sync.

When she isn't called safe I'm devastated to see her go it won't feel the same without her.

After I give her a hug and she walks off stage I can feel a few tears coming down my face and Crystal and Jan give me a hug and try to comfort me. (Time past)

Crystal POV

Me and Geege are cuddled up in my room and I can tell she's upset with Nicky leaving so I'm just trying to calm her down and change how she's feeling. 

"How's your leg feeling?" I ask rubbing her shoulder.

"Umm it's still bruised real bad but it's fine I guess." She says in a flat done.

I can tell by her voice she's still very sad "Why don't you get some sleep?" I tell her

"Sure." She flips over to face me and lays her head on my chest and a couple minutes later I can hear her sound asleep.

Sorry that this is very short 💖

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