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When I'm looking for you, don't let me find you.
Let me just keep the insensitive memories of your lips saying "I need you."
When I try to reach your arms, don't hold me.
Let me fall to pieces to your feet, surrendered by the ache of my bleeding.
The second I feel the need your breathing chest and your beating heart,
remind me the days I couldn't bear the sore of my very own, for your lethal way of loving.
I see the marks of your fingertips that drew lines around my skin,
A reminder of the very first touching,
of the very first time my body met yours.
You bear down on me when there's no one else to hold you.
Hurting me. Breaking me.
I wished you would've done the same for me,
Yet why would I trust the one who broke me to hold what's left of myself?
Your destructive manners are not the way you show you love me,
but the way you wish you could feel anything in your heart.
The emptiness inside you is what I best knew of you.
The darkness of your eyes should've warned me
of the loss awaiting me.
When I call your name to hear your voice one last time,
let the silence be my own peace.
As much as it hurts to miss you,
I won't let myself see you again,
not even with those bright eyes you remember
like the taste of my lips you starve for.


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