29: wedding bells

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6 months later:
Janiya dropped the flowers and it was time for me to go. I held back tears as I walk down the isle. Killa was tearing up so I didn't have to walk back and try again. The small outdoor wedding was filled with the people closest to us. The audience was mostly Killa's family since I don't have any besides Andre. I know my mama and uncle here in spirit tho. Rose is my maid of honor and Layla and Kay are bridesmaids. J is Karvons best man, Andre and one of his cousins are his groomsmen. I reached the front and Killa moved one of the hanging lights from infront my face. I was smiling ear to ear as Devin brought the rings.

After the ceremony it was time for the reception, we about to throw down

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After the ceremony it was time for the reception, we about to throw down.

After the first dance we sat down at our table with Mama K, Kay, Andre, Rose, & Jay. "I have something for y'all." I smiled and they looked at me confused as I handed each of them a box.

"Y'all have to wait to open it ain't the same time, Okay?" I got one of Killas cousins who was standing nearby to record there reactions.

Obviously y'all gotta ignore the dates, names, and allat.

^killas was a box with this that had blue and pink confetti plus a positive pregnancy test

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^killas was a box with this that had blue and pink confetti plus a positive pregnancy test

^killas was a box with this that had blue and pink confetti plus a positive pregnancy test

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^Momma K's box had this in there with purple confetti.

^Kay, Andre, Rose, & Jay had a box with mugs that said uncle/aunt with there names and a picture of the ultrasound

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^Kay, Andre, Rose, & Jay had a box with mugs that said uncle/aunt with there names and a picture of the ultrasound.

"Ok on the count to 3 open them. 1..2...3"

"Deadass?" Karvon asked and I nodded. He got up and gave me a hug. Then he started running all over the reception jumping and screaming. "IM BOUTA BE A DAD." I was eating that shit up, he was everywhere.

"I manifested that shit. I can't wait to have play dates." Rose cheesed rubbing her belly, she almost ready to pop out baby number 2.

"My niece gone be fresh." Andre smiled.

"Nahh, my nephew gone be fresh." J smiled disagreeing with Andre.

"It's definitely a boy." Kay said siding with Jamell.

"Nope it's a girl, I could feel it." Mama K said waving them off and siding with Andre.

Karvon finally stopped jumping all over the place and sat down. Everyone was telling us congratulations and stuff like that. We kept partying for hours. It was fun and had the perfect amount of ghetto. I'm lowkey ready to go tho, a bitch only 3 months and this baby already be making me tired and mad for no reason. Last week I was ready to murder Karvon cause he ate one of my pickles. It wasn't even the last one or nothing, but I was still pissed.

I was sitting down stuffing my face when someone's child came up to me. "Hey thwis yo wewding?"


"You look pwetty. Why you not dwancing."

"Thank you, you look pretty too. I'm was taking a break. Why you not dancing?"

"Mommy say i too small to go alone."

"Want come dance with me?" She nodded and I took my shoes off. Then I picked her up and started dancing with her. A few minutes later one of Karvons cousins came over and asked her if she was ready to go. They said yeah and left out so I went sit back down.

Killa POV
I'm feeling like THAT nigga right now. I gotta wife with a baby onna way. I then seen so much of the world, ion trap no more and I still make millions a year. I did shit I never thought bout doing. My ass then even learned how to swim. I feel like I owe so much of it to Lex, she turned me into a better person. Ima be the best husband you could get. I started looking round for Lex and she was sitting at the table.

"You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded.

"C'mon. Ima finish packing for our honey moon so you could take a nap."

We went home and she took a nap, while I finished packing up the rest of our stuff.
The Next Morning
"Here I got you sum." Lex told me handing me a gift bag with some limited edition Gucci slides. I thanked her then told her I got her something too. I brought her a Chanel purse she said she wanted when she thought I wasn't listening. She thanked me and we left out to run to Walmart to grab some last minute stuff.

"It's lowkey cold in here."

"You want my hoodie?"

"Nah, we gone be in and out."

"You go grab the toiletries, ima grab the food." I told her and she nodded so we went our separate ways.

"You fine as fuck." I heard while grabbing looking through the isles, I just kept walking cause they ain't talkin to me. Some girl touched me and I not so politely moved her hand.

"Don't be touching me before I call my wife"

"What she don't know won't hurt her. Prolly just a regular girlfriend anyways." She said mumbling the last part.

"Bye." I said waving her off and walking away purpose flashing my ring. Don't know what she thought this was but ion cheat.

I went grab some chips and the same girl popped out the shadows almost scared the fuck out of me with all that makeup.

"Lemme get your number, what your wife gone do."

"How bout I call her and ask her." I said whipping out my phone FaceTiming Lex.

"You got everything?"

"This girl don't want get out my face. First of all she touched me, I don't know where them crunchy ass fingers been. Then she talm bout she want my number and shit, plus I told her I was married. She know she see this big ass ring on my finger. Any some what your wife gone do." I said making my voice higher when I quoted her.

"Put her in the camera, what isle y'all on" I told her what isle we on and did as told. "Make sure you over there when I come." she said then hung up the phone.

"Oop yo ass is grass." I laughed and went back to looking for our stuff on this isle.

Next thing I know all I heard was "I should beat yo ass" loud as hell. "Lemme tell you what what his wife gone do —" she started but I cut her off before this got to heated.

"Girl c'mon, yeen finna be fighting you too cute fa that. Plus you don't need to be shaking up my daughter, she might be sleep right now."

"You think it's a girl?"

"Yup, I'm speaking it into existence too."

"I want a boy, but I want a girl too so it don't matter to me." We started having a whole conversation about the baby and the girl cleared her throat.

"You heard sum?" I asked Lex schrunching up my face.

"Nahh, Ian heard nun." the girl smacked her teeth and walked off and we started clowning her.
6 months later:
"So whatever's in the middle is the gender?" I asked my momma and she nodded.

Me and Lex each took our knifes. "On the count of 3 okay? 1...2...3"

We cut the cake and it was filled with pink, everybody started cheering and as soon as Lex and I hugged somebody yelled. "I FUCKIN KNEW IT GIVE ME MY MONEY."

Now ain't the time. Then they loud as hell.

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