2: the past

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Rose in MM

a/n This entire chapter is short summaries of the years from Alexa's POV. It's showing Alexa's life since her mom died. It's also giving a little insight to her relationships with Andre & Rose. It's all about her past and things that have impacted who she is. Next Chapter will be when the story starts to become about present tense. This is basically a filler chapter between the past and the present. If that make sense.

*Four years ago* Alexa's 15 , Andres 17
Beginning of the year: I can't get the rape out of my head. I've even been afraid to be alone, Rose and Andre take turns staying with me. It's kind of making me feel like a burden. The man who did it is permanently in my mind. Other than that, Andre has been growing in the drug industry and making a come up. Him and his boss have gotten very close, he's kind of like a mentor to Andre. I know him a little bit Andre tries to keep me out of the drug game. I've been very umm I guess you can say socially challenged? I've been getting bullied because I don't stick up for myself. It's not that I'm scared, I just like to avoid violence. Andre and Rose gave me self defense lessons after what happened so trust me I can fight, i just don't like to. I guess I'm pretty much willing to do anything to avoid drama. Don't get me wrong I don't let anyone put there hands on me but other than that I won't stick up for myself. I see no point in arguments, if there's really an issue they'll hit me, until then it's nothing to worry about.

Middle of the year: Andre and Rose both say I shouldn't let people talk to me any kind of way and I can understand their perspectives now. I guess I'll try it. Plus I went to therapy to cope with what happened with dad. I'm no longer afraid to be alone, which is a huge progress. Andre and Rose have been there for me every step of the way.

End of the Year: Lately I've been standing up for myself and I haven't been having any problems at school. I guess sometimes all it takes is for you to use your words. I cursed someone out and I was so surprised, usually I only think curse words I don't say them. I've completely come to terms with my assault, and I'm doing better. I'm happy now, and I've accepted that life happens. I still consider myself a virgin because i didn't consent to that. I still go to therapy, but not as frequently

*3 years ago* Alexa's 16 , Andre's 18
Beginning of the year: I really want to get a job. I know Andre buys me everything I need and more but I kind of want some independence. I can't rely on Andre for my entire life. Also, I've been thinking one day I want to start my own business and go to college. It's just a thought for now but we'll see. After a talk with Rose she told me that I should just go for it and ask to get a job so that's what I'm going to do. Andre then told me that if I want to get a job I'm going to have to learn some things first because now that he's at the top in the drug game it's dangerous for me to not be protected. He made me take learn how to shoot a gun and learn to drive. I guess he's just taking precautions because now he's the biggest king pin around here.

Middle of the year: I got my first job and I've been loving it , I work at foot locker and it isn't that bad. I pretty much save all my checks because it's not like I need the money. Anyways since I've learned how to shoot I've been a little trigger happy. Yesterday some broad was getting on my nerves so I shot her in her knee caps and the day before that I shot someone in the shoulder. Andre was NOT happy, he was going to take my gun but I told him it was dangerous for me not to have it. When I told rose about the knee cap story she was dying laughing.

Middle of the year: Me and Andre saw our sperm donor at the store today, he tried talking to us and apologizing for what he did but that was unforgivable. Andre wanted so had to kill him, but once again I was captain save a nigga. I don't even know why, I hate him! Who sells there daughters body for drugs? That's sick. It took everything in me to calmly walk away.

End of the year: I'm no longer as trigger happy as I was towards the middle of the year. I don't shoot anyone without reason and I haven't been starting any fights. Andre had a talk with me about being responsible, I don't ever want to risk my freedom by being careless.

*2 years ago* Alexas 17, Andres 19
Beginning of the year: Andre is now my legal guardian because my sperm donor tried to blackmail him. He said that if Andre didn't give him money he'd take him to court. Andre ended up taking him to court first, all we had to do was prove my dad is an addict and put money in the right places to get full custody of me. Lately I've been thinking a lot about gang bangin.I kind of want to watch over Andre's back and Rose's too, I know they don't need my help but I can't help but want to help them. Him and Rose mean the world to me and both of them bang, if something ever happened I want to have their backs.

Middle of the year: I talked to Andre about it and he was 100% against it , he said I should focus on school but it's my senior year I'm already about to graduate, I want to make some fast money. Plus, he can have complete control over whatever I do he's the boss anyways

End of the year: after some convincing and begging Andre decided to let me do slight work for him. He lets me do things like cook up products and count money. The most important thing I do so far is decide how much we pay workers.

*Last year* Alexa's18, Andres 20
Beginning of the year: I've still been doing the same stuff but slowly Andre's been giving me a little more freedom. I'm considering going to college because I don't want to trap for the rest of my life. Yes, the money's nice but I don't see me doing this in my 40's

Middle of the year: Me, Rose, & Andre opened a night club to clean our dirty money , that way it makes sense legally.

End of the year: this year has been my prime! Now in the drug game I work beside Andre and Rose, I'm not doing anything to get my hands too dirty. We all play roles in making sure our trap houses are functioning properly. Rose makes sure nothings stolen and distributes product to workers at all our trap houses. I help rose with product, but I mainly handle all things money. I make sure our workers are paid, and I make sure no moneys missing, and I'm very good with numbers so nothing gets pass me. Andre handles everything with other gangs, moving product, hiring, etc. Outside of the drug business is great as well, I just paid for online classes to get a degree as a financial advising and I'm doing a minor in business. Me and Rose opened a boutique because we both can design clothes. We work together to design clothes, and we sometimes style clients. It's our first 100% legal business.
Now that we got the backstory LETS GET INTO THE PRESENT☺️

⚠️Btw ion know if this common knowledge but:
ion= I don't
ian= I ain't
I use those abbreviations A LOT and I talk like that round my friends so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up writing the book like that sometimes⚠️

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