Vinny x reader- The first one who never saw me as a freak part 3

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"Babe can you hand me the chips?" I said to vinny after seeing him suddenly space out.

"Yo y/n is calling you" minu said to vinny making him look at me.

"I asked for chips, what are thinking about?" I said now sitting beside him on the bench on top of the mountain.

We just finishied biking our way to this mountain and now we're on the viewing deck with benches.

"Oi shelly I'm eating your chips!" I yelled at shelly who was sitting on ankther bench with jay.

"Hey that's only for when it's emergency hunger!" She said.

"Alright" I said putting the cips back inside the bag.

I looked back at vinny.

"What we're you thinking about earlier?" I asked side hugging him as he held the gatorade I gave him a few minutes ago.

"I was just thinking about how we met" he said making me think back to the time when I was still a small thin kid.

"Oh yeah it was such an important memory for me that until now I didn't forget it" I said.

"You didn't look at me with fear or disgust, you saw me as your friend" he said as he looked at me.

"Why would I look at you like that?" I said making him shrug.

"We were so happy back then, splitting us apart really changed us so much" I said making him nod.

He became some sort of gangster because he learned how to defend himself because of his looks.

I got a little depressed but got better. If it wasn't for my brother dom meeting minu, we wouldn't have seen each other again.

"Yeah it did" he said as I let go of the hug and started walkingg to my bike.

"Even though you probably forgot about this but I kept my promise" I said gesturing to my bike.

"And I kept mine too" he said making me smile.

"Bro Let's get chicken after this!" Our moment got cut of as dom yelled.

"Hell yes!" I said.

They got ready to go back down as I went back to vinny.

"Thank you" he said as I hugged him.

"Of course"

"I love you" he said making me look up and smile.

"I love you too" I said befor egiving him a quick kiss before squishing his butt.

"Now it's time to head down" I said squeezing his butt making him squirm around.


Aight I love that one.

Anyway always remember to stay safe and still have fun.

I'll see you guys later and for now....

I'm out.


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