Owen x reader (S)- party in the car

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"Lezzgoo!" I yelled as soon as owen opened the passenger door and sat in. He laughed at me as he got his seatbelt on.

"Ready to go get the boys from shopping?" I asked.

"Duh!" He said with a lot of sass making me laugh as I started driving away from shelly's apartment complex.

june's birthday is in a few days and the boys and I were planning on buying a few props and stuff like confetti and beer and frozen meat for the party and I was the one who offered to drop and pick them up from the store since I'm too lazy to walk around in a big market. The girls are out with heri shopping for clothes and gifts for june. I offered having dinner with the boys after they got out from shopping and decided to pick up owen to let him join in too since the girls already ate at a restaurant at the mall.

We talked all the way to the store and took a lot of videos of me driving and shared some more jokes. He was a very laid back guy and all these mannerisms he was showing was really cute.

We arrived at the store and waited at the most farthest part of the parking lot as a joke. We wanted to see their reaction when they see how far they have to walk from the building to the car even though there were a lot of parking spots in the front near the building. I tried this on my mom once and she smacked the hell out of me and made me walk back in the building to buy her water. Jeez those memories are gold.

I texted them that I have arrived and told them I was waiting at the parking lot, they replied a 'we still have to get a few stuff so it'll take a few minutes and the line on the chasier is long so I guess you'll have to wait for like 30 minutes?'

'Oh no that's not a problem I can sleep here if I want don't worry about me' I texted dom back.

'Since we're here, have anything you need us to get?' He texted back.

'No we'll be alright. Thank you so much' I sent it and after a few he sent me a pic of him, jay, and vinny waiting in a super long line.

"Wanna listen to some of my music? The guys are still waiting in a long line" I said as he nod. I turned on the car radio and got the aux chord inserted in my phone before I closed my eyes and pressed some random songs to make it feel shuffled.

Fun! by FVN started playing and the language of the song wasn't something that I know how to speak, but there was an english line which is basically the only lyric I know in the song.

(I recommend this song because it's such a vibe and if you have a cat then vibe with them!)

"I think I heard this song from tiktok before" owen said as I laughed.

"Yeah it's that trend where you show your cat and put like the inverted filter in and try to like match the flip with the words" I said as he just nodded.

"I liked that trend though" he said as I can't help but agree.

"Oho same" I said before the both of us sighed and laid back on the chair. 30 minutes? That pic they sent me looked like it would take more than 30 minutes.

I mumbled the foreign words as the only lyric I know came out making me sing it.

"I just wanna have sex in a car" the only english lyric I heard in the song. Now I think I might have regret singing it.

"Oh really...." I turned to owen who was now looking at me with a teasing smirk making me go all red from the embarrassment. I mean bro imagine being in a car with a guy you find very handsome and you suddenly blurt out that you wanted to have sex in a car. Like bruh come on now just how embarrassing is that.

"Hey! It was the only english lyric I know in the song!" I almost screamed as I smacked his arm but the teasing smile never faded. Instead he only chuckled with his strikingly deep voice.

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