Sung x reader- met through our best friends

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Haha so yeah Remember when I told you guys I was rereading the whole windbreaker story? Well I came across this. This guy from trident crew was slurping on his 12 dollar drink. He looked really cute in that panel.

Haha cutest moments before disaster😂

By the way, I really like sung. He's clean you know haha this is awkward so yeah you can read now. Sorry.


Your point of view so I will be using the word I.

"Come on now yumi it's not like the red head will suddenly appear if we ride here" I said to yumi who was desperately leading the way to vinny's street.

"Come on now we might see him around here" yumi said making you and the other girl sighed as we made a turn.

And then the redhead magically appeared with a black haired guy on a scooter. Yumi wasn't really lying when she said he's here.

Yumi squealed in excitement as she simply sprinted to the two boys while extremely waving her hand as vinny only looked at her as if he saw a ghost and as if he was gonna die any minute and the black haired guy just looked shocked.

We simply sighed as we followed yumi.

"Hey vinny going for a night ride? You want us to come with you?" Yumi said with stars in her eyes as vinny nervously looked at the black haired guy who was busy talking to me.

"Hey the name's sung, what's yours?" This really intimidating guy said as he held his helmet kn his tight hand. Beautiful black eyes behind those glasses.

"Y/n, we were going out for a night ride and yumi insisted on coming here" I said which made him smile.

"Oh really?" And with that he faced yumi.

"You want to ride with hs right? Ok I'll be your escort then" he said making yumi jump as vinny only looked at him in pure disbelief.

"I'm so proud to be your friend" he whispered to vinny whow as clearly dumbfounded.

He went to his white scooter and put on his helmet as we all got ready. Yumi and the disappointed vinny was up front as me and the other girl which I forgot her name were at the back.

We rode off and going aroumd until we fell to go faster and affer it all they stopped in some street without cars in it.

We stopped on a bench and vinny immediately sat on the small bench as yumi followed him. Jeez let us sit too.

"I'll be back guys I'll just buy something" sung said as he took a u turn leaving us to vinny.

Me and the other girl was just leanin gon our bike frames simce the two didn't seem to be interested in scooting over to let us sit on the bench.

"Ugh I'm already tired" I said making the other girl agree.

"Jeez think about us atleast" she tried to say purposely for yumi but the bitch only acted deaf. Jeez.

Sung arrived back with teo boxes of chicken and lots of drinks.

He got off of his scooter and patted the seat looking at me. I hesitated before sitting on the scooter. So much better than leaning on the frame.

He went to vinny and gave them a box and some drinks.

He went back on to where I was sitting to hand me a box too for me and him to share. Haha lucky me vinny sharing with two girls with huge appetites while me and sung are gonna enjoy our meal haha.

"Thank for the food sung" I said as I placed the box on my lap and got one out to give it a generous bite.

"Anytime" he said taking one out too and started eating.

"So when are you guys practicing again?" He said.

"Tomorrow at night the same time as this I think, why?" I said as I took another bite of the chicken.

"Maybe I could escort you guys again and possibly go out with you before or after" he said calmy making me blush like hell.

"Hehe alright then I'll train tomorrow" I said as I winked making him smile.

"You better"


Sorry about that haha

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