Vinny x reader (S)- satisfied vacation

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I got up in the middle of the night. All that fun surely was making me tired but I couldn't sleep well because the bed was too hard and I wasn't used to the new surroundings.

I sighed before slowly making my way out of the room trying my absolute best not to disturb the peacefully sleeping girls. I successfully got out of the room and went to the kitchen hoping june's orange juice was still in there. I opened the little refrigerator and was relieved to see that it was indeed still there. I mean there were free juice powders provided from the hotel but I don't trust those too much.

I poured some orange juice into a glass and placed the pitcher back in before closing the fridge. I grabbed the cup before carefully sitting on top of the counter. I wasn't scared of the dark or anything at all so I was pretty confident about being alone in a villa's kitchen with only one light on with everyone literally sleeping.

I started thinking. Like all the things that just happened hours before we all went to sleep. We had a great time today but there were some that really made up my experience. Dom throwing up on yuna. Minu and mia were being more closer to each other than normal. Jay was unusually happy today. Shelly stepped on a crab and fainted. Vinny got drunk and almost made out with that girl from tarantula. Wait. Vinny got drunk and almost Made out With that Girl from Tarantula.

I mean well what do I know? They could be dating behind our backs and stuff so why am I thinking about this? Is it because I'm the only one who didn't have someone to share that kind of attention earlier? Or is it because I like vinny and seeing him getting weirdly interested in that girl kinda hurt? But still why am I thinking like this? Shouldn't I be happy that everyone is having their own sweet moments in vacation with someone they like?

Gosh what am I thinking. I am happy for the guys who got to spend their time with the others but it's just vinny who's making me think differently. Am I really that jealous? She's more prettier than me and when it comes to cycling, I bet she could beat my ass with no sweat. I did tell myself a lot of times to let go of these feelings and go out with that hot 27 year old guy in sabbath with red glasses or maybe that hot guy with yellow lenses but that's not the point. It's just that vinny always makes me feel like he's a little attracted to me and it's giving me hopes which makes it so hard to let go.

Why is he doing this to me? He keeps giving me lowkey signs of him possibly liking me and I kept on getting them and assumed something will happen to us even though there's obviously nothing that's going to happen.

"Couldn't sleep right?" I snapped out of my thoughts and faced the owner of the voice. I looked to my right at the refrigerator to see that it was none other than Vinng Hong. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was looking for something to drink. The refrigerator's light hovering over his frame making me blush. Out of all the people that could've been awake right now it had to be vinny.

"I was just thinking about things. Today was just really fun for me" I said before taking a sip of the orange juice.

"Same, except for the alcohol" he said pouring some water on his glass before closing it. He slowly walked until he was infront of me. He was leaning on the counter infront of me as he crossed his arms.

"Surely messes up with the brain huh?" I said as he chuckled.

"Yeah, made me do things I didn't want" he said taking a sip on his water as I raised my eyebrow at him. He had a face of slight regret and disappointment as well as pain.

"Really? Like what?" I asked. Was he regretting something? Did something happen that I wasn't aware of?

"Dancing. Talking to someone. Using up the time I was supposed to spend on you on somebody else. A lot of things" I was blushing after he said it and seeing my reaction made him smile a little.

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