1.2 Envious Beings

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After their quarrel, Ben and Syrana separated for the time being

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After their quarrel, Ben and Syrana separated for the time being. By his lonesome, Kylo stood in front of a plethora of panels, his lightsaber cutting through to connections, and disarming their protective shield around the outside of their ship. A figure appeared behind the raging man, their hands folded behind their back, and their eyes rolling in annoyance. "I strongly suggest-"

"Shut up," Kylo shouts, panting from the tantrum he just threw about the love of his life has seen through his lies, and barriers. He never wanted this, however, it was something he couldn't refuse. There was no fighting against the Supreme Leader... Not when he promised Kylo that Syrana and him would live eternally with grand power, with the galaxy at their feet. Hux raised his finger to protest, but Kylo disregarded the General's words, and used the force to slam him into the wall. Hux dreaded the idea that this insufferable nobody has risen to high power in no time, whereas he himself has gone through years of pain, and discipline to achieve the ranking of General. Stopping at the door, Kylo turned to look over his left shoulder where the General laid. "Have you spoken with her yet?"

"No," Armitage announces with disgust. "As I said before, I am not a nurse, nor a caretaker-"

"And as I've said before, you are now. It's not a discussion, Hux." His name spewed out of the commanders mouth like pure poison. Harshly, Kylo swallowed his pride, and fully exited the command room, leaving to visit with the Supreme Leader. After Armitage was left alone on the cold, dark flooring, he raised to his feet with all possible haste, worried someone might have seen his fall. His hands flattened out his uniform before widening his stance, and putting his hands behind his back. A signature stance for the blue eyed man who's teeth were clamped down onto the inside of his cheek.

"Right," Hux exhaled heavily with dread. "The princess." He went on his way, attempting to forget the way he's been mistreated throughout his entire life. "Darling," he called from behind the door. A slight hum was heard before he opened the door to the occupied room filled with absolutely nothing other than a set of black, leather furniture, and a ceiling lamp. As soon as he entered the room, he noticed the serene aura inside that begged him to calm himself, and he instantly became at ease.

"I..." Envy, resentment, and loathing surrounded her once Hux came into her view. Despite her desire to insult the General, everything in her fought against it. What had made him so... distracted, and distraught? "What's your name, Weasel?" Fully taking in the view, Hux gritted his teeth, and narrowed his eyes. "I'll tell you mine."

"I know your name, Darling... It's stupid." Deep down Hux knew that if Kylo knew he spoke to his queen with such vile language, he would be force choked on sight, and killed at the hands of nobody at all. "General Armitage Hux," he admits while walking toward the bed, disgust still riddling his pale face. Hearing the name, Syrana sat erect upon the charcoal black bed, her hair falling down around her shoulders. His eyes fell upon her hair, and noticed the white streak that was now apparent. "It seems as though I already know your name."

"It seems so." Her eyes scanned Hux as he leaned over to grab the half-eaten tray of food. Without saying anything, Syrana gently placed her hand on his upper arm, suddenly calming him in a way that made him frustrated as well. Just as she could once feel his resentment, he could now feel hers, along with her sorrow. "What has made you so angry?"

The redhead set the tray back down onto the extendable side table, and pushed it aside so it didn't block his view of the girls remorseful face. What was once a peaceful body in isolation, is now frought with anxiety, and loneliness. "What has made you so inferior?" They both had points that neither wanted to acknowledge. "You should speak with that man of yours."

"He is not my man. He is a traitor-"

"And what are you if not nothing at all? He has given you a chance at life, he could've killed you. Know what you have, Princess, before it's gone," Hux explained with a low growl in his throat. "He loves you for some reason... At least you have that."


Hours had passed where Syrana remained alone in a dark room where the lights were turned off, and the interior was pitch. She could no longer handle the void that surrounded her, or the constant voices in her mind that raged with resentment. Her bare feet hit against the smooth flooring, and abetted her balance as she stood straight. Feet padded against metal flooring as she neared the door, listening for anyone beyond her closed door. Silence was all that could be heard, so her dainty fingers pressed against the button, opening the doors to reveal the same white hallway from before. Syrana didn't know the layout of the Star Killer base, nor the whereabouts of her soulmates chambers. "Is that the princess?" Turning on her heal, she came face-to-face with two stormtroopers whose blasters were raised.

Syrana knitted her brows together, and gripped her long dress until her knuckles paled, reminding her of the snow that covered the planet they invaded. "Princess? Why does everyone keep calling me that?" The Stormtrooper's actions became hostile, and Syrana became overwhelmed with their blasters pointed her way. "I just want to see... Kylo?" His name was foreign, and she didn't understand why he had to change it. Everything about him was perfect before... At least that's what she thought.

"You should be in your room, Darling." From behind her, a deep voice entered her ears, sending her into a relaxing place. Quickly, she spun on her heel to face the man in the mask, and saw his bare face instead.

"No-" Her whole body went numb, and fell limp into the arms of her commander. No matter how hard she struggled against him, she couldn't brake free. The stormtroopers remained stunned, unsure whether to return to their duties, or supervise the room Ren was marching to.

Once he entered the girls room, he closed the door behind him, and soon laid the girl onto her bed, keeping her still so she couldn't leave the room. Even if she wasn't stunned, Syrana wouldn't have been able to leave without his approval. "You wished to speak with me," Syrana says with sarcasm lacing her raspy voice.

"No, it's the other way around." From past events, Syrana knew when Ben was upset about something, or if he were decomposing from the inside out, however, he seemed at peace currently, even with his pugnacious stance. "What did you need? You've made it clear you hate me, Syrana."

"I don't," she seethed out harshly. "I love Ben Solo, not... Kylo Ren." Finally, her body was set free, and no longer under his control. "I know... I know he's still there. Somewhere..." From the shadows, Kylo emerged once more, a nonchalant expression painting his pallid complexion.

"He's dead."

"Don't... Don't say that, Ben- Kylo... Whoever. You're the same person only... Sadder."

"Ben Solo is dead-"

"Then who kept me alive? Why not kill me? Ben Solo loves me, and I know that. When Skywalker attacked, Ben kept me safe." Standing from the bed, she neared the man with a twitching eye, and trembling bottom lip. "He still is. Don't leave me behind, Ben."

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