1.0 To New Beginnings

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Opening her eyes, Syrana peered around the dark room she laid in

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Opening her eyes, Syrana peered around the dark room she laid in. Black walls, black sheets, and black furniture. Something that was obscure for anyone who was once seen as a Jedi. "Ben?" Syrana questioned as she tried to move her limbs, but finding them to be bound by some strange contraption. She was lying on her back on some sort of bed, but straps ran over her body. Nothing in the room made complete sense. At one point in time her body dozed off while on a small ship, but now she awoke to be on some sort of base. "Ben!" She called out once more until she heard the hiss of the doors open.

"She's awake," a unfamiliar voice of a man announces as he walked farther. Her brown eyes met with his blush-green eyes for only a moment before he looked away to the control panel beside the operation table. "Darling, is it?" He inquired with a straight face. The glass cover that held Syrana capture lowered, but restraints still remained. She nodded to his question, and glanced down to the rest of her body. "Well, how did you sleep, princess?" Furrowing her brows, Syrana glared to the red headed man as his slim fingers began to undo the straps around her body. "Not speaking, are we?"

Their eyes met again, but this time it wasn't pleasant for either of them. "I slept fine, Sir." The man scoffed at her response. "How long-"

"Five weeks, princess." the interruptions he made caused great annoyance to take over the girl's body. "Don't get too angry with me, Commander Ren wouldn't find it pleasing to know you've grown feisty." Sitting erect, Syrana felt her head fill with dizziness, and her upper body slammed back down onto the black table. "Perhaps you've not gotten all of your beauty sleep?" He joked.

"You can't speak to me this way-"

"Oh, my apologies, princess. However, I am the rising general of this ship, and I too will not tolerate your ambitious needs."

"Get me Ben Solo, and maybe we can make an agreement, General." The way she spat his name caused the General to cringe. To Hux, his rank was no laughing matter, especially to an orphan. How could one person cause such a disturbance in only a minutes time? Hux watched as the two white doors opened to the room, causing the tiniest amount of anxiety to scurry through his body. Kylo Ren entered the room with his mask on, and his hands balled into fists. Syrana gazed up to Kylo with curiosity. Her hand reached out toward him, soon touching his gloved hand, and watching it relaxed. "Ben..." She sighed, realizing his presence, and the aura that surrounded him. He always had a certain feel about him that nobody else had, and not even a mask could hide him from her.

"Get her cleaned up, General. Only then I want to see her," Kylo demanded with his altered voice, earning a confused glare from both General hux, and his old lover.

"That's not my job, Ren," Hux announces as he raised his finger in protest. "I am not a nurse."

"You are now," Kylo orders as he leaves the room without another word. Syrana let a single tear slip down her pale cheek. The words he spoke, and the way he dismissed her like the dirt on the underside of his black boots... Nothing made sense. She loved him, and he loved her once too. Had things changed so quickly in just a months time?

Hux sighed with irritation as he abetted Syrana off from the table, tumbling into the counter in the process. "Dammit," he huffed out. "He'll only disappointing you, Syrana." Wise words from the man who was once cruel to her, yet she didn't want to believe them. "Kylo Ren has changed for the better. You're still stuck in the past." She bit the inside of her cheek as Hux brought her over to the wash room. A singular tub in the midst of the room, and several showers surrounding it, along with a couple counters where sinks sat accompanied by a mirror. "I um..."

"I can clean myself, General. I needn't your service." She attempted to stand by herself, but fell back into the arms of the rude general beside her. "For the love of all that is holy." Her body was set down onto the floor as the General stared with amusement. The way she could barely keep herself standing was humorous to him, but it only caused Syrana to fill with self-doubt. "It's pathetic..."

"Yes, it is indeed." The General stood straight, and flattened out the wrinkles in his uniform. "I-"

Syrana watched carefully as Hux's body jumped with shock as someone entered the room. "I've changed my mind," Kylo announces. "Leave us." Hux nods his head, his orange hair slightly falling down in front of his left eye. Kylo began to unglove his hand, and threw the black glove onto the floor so his skin could meet with the warm water. "That... Idiot. This water is far too hot." The young woman who sat on the floor stared with awe at the man in all black whose face was shielded with some sort of helmet. "There..." He turned on his heel, and grabbed under her armpits, raising her until her body sat upon one of the sink counters. "Raise your arms." She did as told, and felt her cotten dress begin to raise.

After her dress was taken off, he undid her bra clasp, and slid her off from the counter. Everything in her body wanted to curl up and shield herself from Ben, but his help was much appreciated, and she couldn't deny that she'd rather him do it than that rat from before. Turning his head away, he pulled down her underwear. He didn't look at her bare body in attempts to give her some sort of privacy. Soon after she was stripped, Kylo picked her up, and placed her down into the bathtub that was filled with warm water. "Ben.." The young woman's eyes were filled with sorrow as she stared at the mask that hid away Ben's true face. With a hiss, his helmet unlatched, and he pulled it off until his natural coal black hair flowed out, and his pallid complexion could be seen by the eyes of one fragile girl.

His eyes were filled with sorrow as well, tormented with the crimes he's committed, and he couldn't stand the pain any longer. "I'm so sorry," he cried out softly, scared someone might hear him if he were too loud. Snoke could see him, and Ben knew that well, but he couldn't hold in such strong emotions. Not with her. "Syrana... I failed you. I-I..." Seeing him so broken caused her heart to shatter into a million pieces. "Please forgive me." With all of her strength, she raised her hand to gently place against his face, rubbing her thumb across his smooth skin while simultaneously wiping away his warm tears.

"Don't apologize, Ben. You'll always be forgiven." Kissing her lips, tears slipped down like a waterfall as he realized all he's done wrong within these past few weeks. "I love you."

"I... I don't think you will." His hands placed down into the water, gathering the towelett at the bottom of the bathtub. "But... For now, just relax... And I'll do my best to fix this." Running the soft towel across her bare shoulders, Ben admired her skin that was covered in scars, and occasional brown freckles. The two remained silent as Ben cleaned away the dismay that wrapped around Syrana's body, and replaced it was the same serene aura she had once before. Even in the darkest of times, he became weak in her presence.

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