0.8 Losing You

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Ben sighed, and reached his hand over to gently place his hand under her chin, pulling her head back to face him

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Ben sighed, and reached his hand over to gently place his hand under her chin, pulling her head back to face him.

"Ben," she whispered, her eyes gazing into his. Both of his hands were now placed on either side of her face, sincerity in his eyes. After a moment, Ben began to close the space between the two, his lips softly placing against hers as salty tears slipped down her cheeks. When he pulled away, Syrana's eyes remained shut in momentary bliss. "He's right. Your life... And mine. You'll become something better, something worthy. I will only cause you pain-"

"I'm in pain now. You're making my promise impossible to fulfill." Cutting her off, Ben's grip fell down to her wrist, tightening around them until her skin began to redden.

"Promises.... We both made promises that are impossible to fulfill. But..." Pausing, Syrana pulled her wrists out from Ben's firm grasp, soon rubbing around the the sensitive areas of her skin.

"But... We can be together now." Standing from the grass, Ben offered his hand to the shorter lady. "Neither of us want what we're being handed. We'll just... Leave together." She stood to her feet after him, her eyebrows furrowing his frustration.

"That's stupendous! Don't you understand Ben? Don't you? You have a future planned out for you already, I don't. My future is in the hands of your uncle, and I'm afraid that if I fail to obey his rules, my life will be in utter turmoil."

Seeing her fury caused his eyes to relax, and for his mind to be at ease for only a moment. "Run away with me, Syrana Xlater. We will make our own future. Just us two against the galaxy."

"Ben... Please."

"No, don't- Don't deny this. I-I know you want this. You want to be... with me. You made me promise! I promised I'd never leave you... And you promised you'd stand with me. Always."

"Don't do this, Ben," she cried lightly.

"Please," he pleaded with glazed eyes. "I don't want to be a Jedi master any more. Not if I can't have you."

"Your future-"

"You are my future." Still, Ben tried desperately for Syrana to take his hand, to abet him in his solo journey he wished wouldn't be so lonesome. A small hand placed into his sizable one, his eyes glued to the sight. Syrana noticed his gulp, and placed her hand onto the side of his face, earning his eye contact

"Walk with me," she says, intertwining their fingers. He nodded, confused as the why she had such a shift in mood. Whenever things took a turn for the worst, Syrana always seemed to stay so calm which boggled young Solo's mind. One thing he struggled with was having control of his emotions, and knowing when to use them.

The two entered the clean hut, a smile drawn on the young woman's face as she sat down onto her sheeted bed. Gently, the palm of her hand padded against the bed space beside her, inviting Ben to sit beside her. When he did, Syrana caressed his cheek, her head tilting along with his. Neither said a word. Lull filled the room while they admired each other's company in the comfort of a homey atmosphere. Ben never wanted her hand to leave, and he never wanted to open his eyes to find a different scene. All he wanted was her. He had been so blind to disregard every urge to hold her, or to take her hand.

"Kiss me..." Same as before, Ben initiated the kiss, his hands placed down onto the girl's bed to keep himself propped up. "One... last time."

"Last," he sighed heavily with anguish. A silent tear slid down Syrana's cheek, trepidation soon filling her once Ben's feelings transferred over to her. Heat burned under her skin, and her head began to ache. Ben knew it was his best interest to calm down, but the war in his mind wouldn't cease. All he wanted at the moment was to slay whoever stood against him.

"I do... I do love you, Ben. Truly, I do. You're sweet... And you're... Just you. But Listen to me. I don't want to wake up every morning and wonder if you're dead. I don't want you to have to live with that either-"

"So we'll go on as if we never existed to each other? I can't do that, Syrana. We'll just have to hide it. We'll do as if the two of us hate each other, and then-"

"Stop it! Stop. It won't work. Not now at least. Perhaps when we are older, we'll meet again somehow. Maybe one day we'll work along side your parents, and aid The Resistance." Ben huffed, and stood from the bed at the thought of his parents.

"They don't care about me! You're... What don't you get? Let it go, Syrana! Let it go. If we ever were to join them, we wouldn't be but another worker." His voice was raised to the point where Skywalker awoke in his sleep. The fury that radiated off of Ben was immaculate, and even from a couple huts away, Skywalker could sense it.

"Shh, you'll wake up Master Skywalker." As the door swung open, Syrana's eyes fell to the floor with shame.

"Nobody will ever care for you the way I do, Syrana. The two of us... We're outcasts. Luke... He knows nothing about us. All he wants is to ruin the two of us because he knows we're powerful. He can't. He won't." Luke firmly placed his hand onto his nephews shoulder. Ben turned around swiftly to take in the unamused face of his uncle.

"Go to bed, Ben. What's said is done." Luke glared into the young man's eyes, his hands closed together down by his waist. "Release your anger if you need. But not now, and not to her. She's undeserving of your cruel words." Without another word, the young man exited the hut with a clenched jaw as he attempted to fight away his tears. His hand slammed against the metal door to his room, pushing it open until the desolate bed was all he could see.

Darkness surrounded him, telling him that it was not only time to sleep, but time to execute the thought of his uncle. "Dammit," Ben growled lowly to himself as he laid onto his back. So much pain, so much enmity. He no longer had any care for his uncle... But he couldn't hide his love for Syrana. Her face flashed behind his eyelids while he begged for sleep. Skywalker was correct, Syrana was undeserving of the cruel words Ben spoke, and he knew that as well. But the darkness in his mind didn't hold him back, and didn't allow him to see the light inside of her.

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