0.9 The Fallen

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Hearing the screams of fellow students, and smelling the smokey air, Syrana awoke from her light slumber

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Hearing the screams of fellow students, and smelling the smokey air, Syrana awoke from her light slumber. She was quick to grab the hidden blue lightsaber Luke gave her a long while ago, and exit the hut with narrowed eyes. Confusion washed over her like a tidal wave, unsure of what criminal could've burned down the temple, and destroyed the huts. Panic began to bloom within her body, but she attempted to remain calm. With the fire embers surrounding the air, and the screams that have now grown silent, Syrana feared the worst. Ben. With all possible haste, She sprinted over to the hut where he was supposed the be sleeping. When her eyes met with the broken down, wooden hut, she cried aloud. A hand covered her mouth, trying to shield her throaty sobs as her eyes caught onto the scene.

Footsteps sounded behind her, and she took every little piece of herself to quit her crying. Syrana turned slowly, her eyes meeting with the man behind the slaughter, and despair. "Ben," she sighed with relief. "You're okay." Quickly, she ran over to him, her arms wrapping around his body that was covered in sweat, and dirt. "What... What happened?" By the way he nonchalantly stared into her eyes, an uneasy feeling enclosed around her body, begging her to realize Ben was the only one left standing other than herself. "No," she whispered halfheartedly. "Please tell me-"

"Skywalker did this," Ben says with a low tone. "He tried to kill me when I was sleeping... I got away. When I got out here, everything was already in ruins." Feeling the metal against the rip in his robes, Ben looks down to see the lightsaber in Syrana's hand.

Peering up to meet his sad, brown eyes, Syrana placed her free hand on his face that was splotched with dirt. "He did this...?" Seeing the utter dismay in his eyes, she couldn't help but believe every word he said. "Skywalker..." There was nothing blocking the anger that cascaded down the girl's spine. How could their master turn on them Had he been planning it all along? First he attempted to tear apart the only happy people, and then planned on destroying them both? Destroying everyone that could be of higher power than himself? "Petty man," Syrana spat.

"There were few that I could save," Ben admits, his index pointing to the burning temple. "I have an escape plan." Their fingers intertwined before someone arose from the debris. Straus, the village boy from before.

"Traitor," Straus yelled, his blue lightsaber soon igniting. "You did this!" Syrana stood stunned, unsure of who to believe. Ben has yet to lie to her, and has never given her reason not to. However, Straus has never really spoken with Syrana about anything. "Fight me like the man you think you are, Ben Solo." Ben soon ignited his own lightsaber, and widened his stance. "Or die like the others you've murdered!"

"I tried to save you," Ben shouted back to him. "You turned on ME." As straus began to advance, Syrana flicked her wrist out, and watched as the flame of her saber drew. "Move, Syrana-"

"No. Ben, this is madness! The two of you cannot kill one another. The dark side calls, I can feel it."

"So let it! There's no use in fighting? Don't you know that? Even Skywalker gave into it in the end. He murdered so many."

"LIAR!" Straus screeched, beginning to sprint toward the black haired man. Sweat gathered on Ben's brow as he dodged a strike, his body slamming into Syrana's as he pulled her away as well. "Get away from him, Darling! He's only ever going to lie to you. He can't be trusted." Her head began to pound as it smacked against Ben's chest, and from the way her mind fought against herself. Ben had his arm wrapped around Syrana's waist, her feet slightly lifted off the ground. With all of his strength, he dodged another blow from Straus. "Let her go."

"Never," Ben shouts back. "She sees the truth, Straus. She knows who to believe." Rain trickled down from the grey clouds above, causing Ben's grip around the girl he loved to deteriorate. "I won't kill you, Straus." Syrana began to cry with hopelessness. She truly didn't know who to believe. Why was Straus so passionate about Ben being the bad guy between them? Why couldn't he understand that it was Luke? How could Ben be evil...?

Just as Ben began to run past Straus, and up to the stoney steps, Syrana's saber ignited again, and split the other man in half. "NO!" She screamed, watching the dismay in Straus's eyes rise, but soon leave. "Ben, please," she pleaded, scared of what could happen next if they advanced any further. Her whole body attempted to waggle free, but he kept her in his hold, silently crying to himself as he struggled to climb up the steps. "Please." A voice once filled with joy, was now fraught with agony. Still, Ben didn't say a word. Something blocked his throat, and his only way of showing how he felt would be by getting his lover to safety.

They boarded the ship, but not without gathering worrisome glances from the other students Ben saved. He collapsed onto the floor of the ship, his hold on Syrana only tightening as both of his arms wrapped around her. She fully faced him, and allowed him to bury his head into her shoulder. Together they sat, their tears slowly falling down. "Are you okay?" He finally questions as he lifted his head. Both of his hands placed down onto her rosy cheeks.

"Physically, yes. Mentally? I'm not sure." Their ship began to take off from the green planet. "Are you?" Ben nodded his head, disregarding her concern. "I... I need to rest." She stood from the floor, and slowly made her way over to the seating area where others sat. "Just for a little bit. I won't be long."

He followed after her in a hurry, scared he might lose her if she wondered too far away. "I won't leave you, Syrana. I promise." Their fingers interlocked, and their eyes met. "I promise." Once her eyes fluttered close, Ben stood to inform the pilot on where they were headed, but Syrana kept her grip strong on his hand.

"Don't leave me... please." Her voice was so shallow that Ben felt his heart sink. Hearing such a lively person sound so dull was frightening. Syrana always knew how to remain calm, or how to handle situations when it came to her emotions... But now, things had changed.

"Whether near or far, I am always yours, Syrana Xlater. You know that. I'll always be with you somehow."

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