Chapter 17: Hypotheses

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To my Readers: Hope this chapter makes up for your wait.


"Your control is getting better." Kakashi commented from the side as I tried to as fine as I could tune Gathering Dew.

"After spending so much time doing this, I better get better." After practicing this exercise for weeks with dozens of my shadow clones, now I could make tiny droplets hover under my palm. "But I still don't get how it is going to help me doing water jutsus. This exercise looks more suited for trainee medic-nins. Any idea sensei?"

"Hmm." Kakashi took thinking pose before continuing his answer. "I think Lord Third wants to make you a second coming Lord Second."

"There is a second, second too many. A little context please."

"Lord Second was famous for his mastery of water style. It's said that he could pull water out of thin air. I haven't taught you nature transformation. But I think after you master nature transformation for water style, this exercise could help you do the same as Lord Second."

"Really?" I was excited.

Among the elements, I was fascinated by water. Especially after watching the documentary Secret of Water. If I was ever given a chance to have absolute control over one element, I would always pick water. And as someone with unmatched ability to control water, Tobirama was my idol in this world. So the prospect of being similar to him in some way in the future made me giddy.

"I was wondering something." Kakashi continued from his thinking pose. "Since you have both wind and water as your affinity, you could possibly have Ice Style bloodline."

I doubt that very much. "I f I had that, wouldn't it have manifested by now?" Naruto was born with wind affinity. So when I took his place, it stayed with the body. More likely my fascination with water in my spirit awakened water affinity. Unless someone pulled a Yamato on me and grafted cells of ice style user in my body, I doubt I am going to run around with an ice-cream van.

"If you try to mold water and wind nature chakra at the same time, you might pull it off."

I disagreed with that theory the first time Yamato showed how his wood style worked.

I had read up on every elemental type bloodlines on narutopedia. Some of them made sense. But most of them didn't.

Take Mei Terumi's two bloodlines for example. Since she was born with three affinity; fire, water and earth, she could wield boil style and lava style. These two made sense as far as mixing elements goes. You heat up water, you get steam and extreme heat turns rocks present in earth into magma and when it erupts, we call that lava.

But earth and water doesn't make wood. They make mud. If you want wood from these two, you need to plant seed that takes nutrient and water from earth and grows.

I think the same goes for ice style. After all, wind doesn't cool water. So what could be the metaphorical seed in this case?

"I can't picture it." I voiced my opinion on the matter. "Mix of water and wind can't be ice."

"It might be because of how they are mixed. I can't say for certain since I wasn't born with it."

"Well, what if, there is a catalyst, a passive element, that determines the result of two elements? And it is so passive that the people who are born with it never notices? And that's why it went undocumented?"


"So what do you think about the relocation of the academy?"

Today, Hiruzen picked me up from the academy after the classes were finished. We had a light meal at Ichiraku. There I learned from Teuchi that Iruka was taking Ayame on second date that next day. It showed on Ayame's face. She was humming happy tune. After hearing that, Hiruzen thought out loud that maybe he should give Iruka a raise so that he could afford dates. After we had our fill, he brought to training ground 19.

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