A place to stay.

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Hawks, Musutafu, 23

As the police came to take away the old man, Hawks talks to the police about the situation.

"Okay, we'll be going now." The officer says before getting into his car and driving away. As Hawks walks back to the two girls, they both stood up as they were kneeling before.

"Okay, well that guy is handled," The blonde man says, dusting his hands together before putting them in his pocket. His golden orbs traveled to the (H/C) duffel bag as she clutched it closer to her side.

"Thank you, we'll be going now." Hawks raises an eyebrow as she says that.

'Does she not know Misaki wants me to take her in? Did Misaki even mention me?' Hawks questions himself and snaps out of it as the two girls started walking off.

"Hey, are you guys going home?" The blonde man asks, raising his eyebrow once again as he sees (Y/N) lower her head, her grip on her daughter's hand tightened.

"Um, we're just going to find a motel to stay at, so yeah." The teen-looking girl says about to walk off. Hawks eyes widen as he sees the back of her leather jacket show the bloody tank too that was under it. The (H/C) wings were broken, almost to nothing.

"Wait, you're bleeding," Hawks points out, his eyes shift to the dirty blonde girl who looked worried as she kept looking back and forth at her mother and the tall man.

"I-it's fine, it'll heal." (Y/N) turned, giving the hero a faint smile before trying to walk off again.

"No," His eyes narrowed, placing his hand on her shoulder. Hawks' hand could feel how bony the young woman was even under such thick material.

"Come to my place, you can stay for the night." Hawks insisted, his golden eyes pierced into her (E/C) gaze.

The short girl looks down at her brown-eyed child who gave her a worrisome look. Biting her lip before looking up, (Y/N) faced the man and straightened her stance.

"Okay, thank you again." Eyes locked as she gave in to his request. Hawks knew she was hesitant, hence the situation she was just in and the obvious trauma she's been through by the state her wings were in. As he removed his hand from her shoulder, a smile escaped his lips to reassure the girl.

Walking to Hawks' apartment, the man carried the ruby-winged daughter on his back as his crimson wings were mostly at work to carry the little girl.

"So, are you a hero?" Hawks shoots the (H/C) a look, wondering if she was being serious.

"Yeah, I'm Pro-hero hawks, second in the top 3." Hawks responds, sounding laid back and chill while the girl next to him looked anxious.

"Oh, that's why your name sounded familiar to me," She admitted as she nervously chuckled, rubbing her neck with the duffel bag and her daughter's bags hung from her shoulders.

"You didn't know I was a hero?" Hawks inquired. A hand ruffles through his feathery blonde hair as the wind blew past the three of you.

"Y-yeah, I remember when you debuted as a hero, but I guess I just haven't kept up with the news." Again, that nervous laugh you let out only made the blonde man curious.

"Considering how young you look, never thought that'd be possible, kid." Hawks lightly laughed, causing the young woman to look smile a bit as she turns her to face him.

"How old do you think I am?" The young girl asks, a small smile creeping up her lips. As Hawks was about to answer the girl, he looked her up and down, then straight ahead.

"About 16." His answer made the girl laugh, almost snorted but cleared her throat out of that embarrassing moment.

"Wow, always that you'd never look young again after having a kid." She stated. A chuckle followed as she looked down slightly, Hawks taking note that it wasn't a nervous laugh, but sounded more bittersweet like she was happy to have her child but somewhat regretted it.

"So what is your age?" He asked, trying to keep the tension low.

"I'm 21, just turned a couple of months ago, so yeah." The girls (H/C) hair flew as the wind passed, using her hand to keep the strands out of her face.

"I'm 23," Hawks says. The short girl looked at him with an amusing look, once the blonde caught onto her gaze, she giggled lightly.

"You're two years older than me, yet you call me kid," She states, making Hawks cheeks dust with a tint of pink, but it went unnoticed.

"I don't know your name, that's why." The male explained, even though he knew her name, yet Misaki never mentioned to him that she didn't know about him taking (Y/N) to his home.

"I'm.. (Y/N)." a slurred response, sounding hesitant and anxious. The slim girl clutched her duffel bag, Hawks catching on it was a habit from her anxiety.

"No last name? You're pretty mysterious birdie." The blonde admitted, causing (Y/N) to lightly chuckle, this time it was genuine, which made Hawks smile almost.

"Just not fond of my surname."

(Y/N) says, looking at her daughter behind the man. Her eyes soften as she saw the sleeping child being carried by the red wings of Hawks.

"What's her name?" The question snapped (Y/N) out of her gaze towards her daughter, looking up at the tall man.

"Hinata." her voice was soft, Hawks couldn't help but smile at her vulnerable self.

"That's a nice name, and her quirk seems to be similar to yours." Hawks states, (Y/N) suddenly laughing a bit as she realized something.

"Her quick also seems similar to yours, since your wings are both red." The girl says, looking up at the blonde man as he looked at her. As Hawks noticed their gazes were locked, he smiled, causing the girl to do the same, and continued walking with the girl.

"Her quirk is Ruby falcon while mine is Sapphire dove. She has the gemstone part of my quirk while she has the hunting skills like... Her father," (Y/N) stopped in her tracks, Hawks soon notices that she had stopped and was biting her lip as she looked down at her feet.

The blonde man walked towards the girl, crouching down a bit to look her in the eye, making her flustered as their eyes met.

"You don't have to talk about her father, come on, let's go." Hawks said and started to shuffle their way to his apartment, unconsciously holding (Y/N)'s hand.

As the three finally got to Hawks apartment, the blonde man set Hinata on his couch, gathering all his feathers back.
(Y/N) drops her bags next to the couch, taking off her ripped leather jacket, revealing her torn tank top.
Hawks takes note of her broken wings that were barely hanging from her scapula. Bloodstained the dark shirt while blue crystals glistened as the light reflected off of them. As the (H/C) girl turned around, she was startled a bit by Hawks' gaze, eyeing her damaged body.

"Um, sorry about everything, we can just leave once my daughter wakes up." (Y/N) whispers softly as she sits next to her sleeping daughter, petting her head.

Hawks take his coat off, hanging it on the counter chair and turning to face the girl.

"You guys can stay for as long as you need." Hawks asserts. (Y/N) shoots her head up, surprised a pro hero is letting her stay over for the time being.

"W-why?" She stutters, a confused look plastered her face. Hawks just sits back next to the counter with a small smirk.

"Earlier when I called Misaki, she asked me to tell you and your daughter in. So even if you didn't want to stay here, thank her for making me take you in." Hawks says, sounding all laid back as the girl bites her lip, looking down at the wooden floor.

Blue and Red Wings (Hawks x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now