Chapter Twenty-Five: Battlefield

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I didn't go home that night, I couldn't. Stiles let me stay with him for the night, he even gave up his bed for me, although it took a while for him to convince me that he'd be okay on the floor. He took a long time to get to sleep, so I switched places with him when he finally did.

He was worried about me, especially since we were told what the police found in Matt's room. What Matt told me was true, he had lots of pictures of me on his computer. But they weren't just of me, he had photoshopped himself into most of them, making it look like we were together. He had even edited my friends out of them.

But I guess it hadn't been all bad, Stilinski got his Sheriff's badge back. There was still some tension between him and Stiles but I knew that they'd figure it out.

Chris kept sending me texts, asking how I was and begging me to come home. I couldn't, I just couldn't face them.

To Chris:
I'm fine, staying with a friend for a bit

From Chris:
Promise you'll stay safe


I walked up the bleachers, taking a seat next to Mrs McCall, giving her and Mr Stilinski an awkward smile. 'Anything happened yet?'

'Stiles is playing,' Mr Stilinski anxiously bounced his knee up and down as he replied.

'Don't worry, sir. He'll be amazing, I know it.' Stiles and I made eye contact and I smiled, giving him an encouraging nod.

I winced, seeing Stiles get knocked to the ground for the third time. 'He's just a little nervous. There's still time for things to change,' I said, trying to reassure his dad.

My eyes widened as I saw Isaac and he gave me a nod. 'I'll find a way for us to win, it'll be okay.' He whispered, loud enough for me to hear from where I was sat.

He began to knock down his teammates, getting every single person on the bench to play until it was just Scott.

Suddenly, Jackson crashed into Isaac. The beta fell, his leg cracking as he hit the ground. I winced, staring at him in concern.

The ball rolled into Stiles' foot, but he just stared around in confusion before realising where it was. He picked it up before beginning to spring towards the goal, yelling and screaming. I bounced my knee in anticipation.

He stopped in front of the goal, looking around. 'Shoot it!' I shouted to him. He threw it. My heart stopped for a moment, the ball seeming to move in slow-motion before hitting the back of the net.

The crowd erupted in cheers. 'I scored a goal?' he frowned, 'I scored a goal! I scored a goal!' he began to jump up and down in excitement.

He kept scoring, one after the other. My mouth had started to ache from all of the smiling and cheering. He was incredible. The buzzer went, signalling the end off the game and we all jumped up and down, cheering and yelling in triumph.

But then, everything went dark and all that I could hear was a scream.

People began to run in all directions, screaming. I frowned, sprinting towards the field. My eyes filled with horror as I saw people standing around a body. I felt an arm on my shoulder and looked up to see Mr Stilinski. I followed him to the small crowd.

Melissa was knelt next to Jackson, his chest was bloody and his skin was pale. I scanned the crowd. 'Where's Stiles?' I called, nobody said anything. Their eyes were glued to the unconscious boy.

'Where the hell is my son?' Mr Stilinski shouted, there was still no reply.

Argentine | Stiles Stilinski   (Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz