Chapter One: Wolf Moon

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The picture above is her outfit for the first day, I'm not that experienced with making these yet.

Allison and I were sat outside the local high school as she rummaged through her bag, looking for a pen. Her phone began to ring and she answered it quickly.

'Mom, three calls on our first day is a little overdoing it,' she searched her bag again, 'Everything except a pen. Oh my God, I didn't actually forget a pen! Yes, Riri tried to offer me hers but she only brought one. Okay, okay. I gotta go, love you!' she hung up. I raised an eyebrow, sighing at my aunt's slight obsessiveness over our first day.

The principal came up to us, sending us a kind smile. 'Sorry to keep you waiting,' he said as he escorted us inside the building. 'So, you were saying San Fransisco isn't where you grew up?' he enquired.

'No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual for our family. My cousin was born here and lived here for a bit,' I gave him an small smile, cursing Allison's confidence.

'Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while.'

We continued to walk through the school until we were led inside a classroom. 'Class, these are our new students, Allison and Ariana Argent. Please do your best to make them feel welcome.'

I nervously examined the room, my eyes stopping for a second as I saw a boy sitting at the back of the class. He gave me an cheeky grin and curiously watched me as I hurried to the furthest available seat from the board. I noticed that the boy sat in front of Allison had given her his pen. It was a little strange, but I tried to dismiss any thought about it. Although, he had smelled a little odd when I walked past him.

As Allie and I were stood at our lockers, I felt someone staring at us. Nudging my cousin, we turned around to see the boy from English class staring at her. She smiled at him.

'That jacket and those shoes are absolutely killer,' a girl came up to us, twirling a lock of her strawberry blonde hair between her fingers, 'Where'd you get them?'

'My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco,' Allison replied as the girl's face lit up.

'And you two are my new best friends. Hey, Jackson!' she turned her attention to a tall, well-built guy next to her who I assumed was Jackson. 'So this weekend, there's a party.'

My eyes widened in dread, 'A party?'

'Yeah. Friday night, you two should come,' said Jackson.

Allison must have noticed how uncomfortable I had become because she quickly jumped in to save me, 'Ugh, we can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking.'

Jackson raised his eyebrows in surprise, 'You sure? I mean, everyone's going after the scrimmage.'

'You mean like football?' I asked, immediately lowering my head in embarrassment as he let out a chuckle.

'Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse,' he scoffed, 'We've won the state championship for the past three years.'

The girl began to play with his hair as she leaned into his chest. 'That's because of a certain team captain,' she grinned proudly.

'Well, we have practise in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else...' he looked at us both expectantly.

'Well, we were going to-'

'Perfect. You're both coming,' the girl chirped, grabbing my arm and dragging me along. Allison followed after me, the two of us exchanging glances of confusion and amusement.

Argentine | Stiles Stilinski   (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu