FOUR - High School

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"It could totally happen

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"It could totally happen. I've waited long enough to say something, say anything."

- It could totally happen, Like You Like It

Entering the building with lots of teens she did not know was so terribly terrifying. Josie focused on her breathing and on holding her backpack over her shoulder.

Besides, this was her first ever experience in a school with people her age, being homeschooled and then trained in a coven of witches wasn't exactly the same experience.

She had arrived early enough to find her locker and the correct classroom for first period before the bell rang.

Her locker was next to a girl with dirty blonde hair that definitely showed had been neglected when it comes to care. The girl wore sweatpants and a matching grey hoodie. Her grey eyes were dull and scared as she stole not-so-discrete glances at Josie.

The brunette flashed a small smile her way but the sickly pale girl only stiffened and practically ran away from her.

Well, that wasn't a great start for her day.

Trying to shake the bad feeling the blonde girl had given her, the witch made her way through the halls towards the classroom for her first period class.
It was French, a class she liked and was good at considering the Striga Coven had taught her intense French for as long as they stayed there.

Sighing with relief at the sight of only few students inside, she decided to sit on the last seat on the road second to the one next the windows. She pulled out her grimoire, that had been carefully glamoured to look like any literature book to prying eyes, and began to go over the recent spells her mother had made her practice.

The class began to fill with more and more people that kept on throwing curious glances her way. She should've seen it coming, in a small town like that, people loved gossip, specially if it was the first day back to school.
But she made sure not to stick out with her appearance, a plain blue shirt, black skinny jeans, her old sneakers and a nude colored jacket. her hair was naturally straight an she had decided to let it loose on her shoulders.

The teacher walked in and everyone began to take their seats. Just as the final bell rang, a figure ran through the door, mere seconds before the teacher could close it.

The woman only squinted his eyes at the teenage boy before closing the door and directing herself to the class.

Isaac sighed in relief for not receiving detention on his first day by being late. His eyes scanned the room but were glued to the figure of his long lost childhood best friend. She looked as beautiful as ever, sitting by herself, the only empty seat was by her side.

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