12 // Cold Case

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Patton hung up the phone and turned to his friends sadly. "What's wrong?" Roman asked softly. "Dice is dead." The group was stunned, nobody knew what to say or do. Remus looked at the empty seat where Dice usually sat, without another word, Remus hurriedly left the room.

Roman followed after him and pulled him into a tight hug. "I know you're upset, you're going to shove this all down and pretend it doesn't bother you but I know it does, okay? Just let it out right now." Remus gripped his brother tightly, not allowing his tears to fall just yet but still trying to let go of his grief.


Everyone at the college, and Detective Sanders, noticed that the pranks had stopped suddenly. Thomas had heard about Dice's passing and offered his condolences to the group. He decided to drop the case, the dean hadn't deemed it important anymore as a professor had just passed so Thomas didn't see a point in rubbing salt in the wound.

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