Chapter 13

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"Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell."

― Walter Scott, The Heart of Mid-Lothian


It has been almost a week, and Nedim becomes a regular visitor to Aunt Jamila's house or the bakery; if it's not for lunch, it will be in the evening to chat with Zainab and Aunt Jamila

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It has been almost a week, and Nedim becomes a regular visitor to Aunt Jamila's house or the bakery; if it's not for lunch, it will be in the evening to chat with Zainab and Aunt Jamila.

Zainab became his good friend, and Aunt Jamila adored him; even the women in the neighbourhood would come to see him when he was available. He became popular with women, and it wasn't enough for the gossip community to say many nasty rumours about Ceren. They flirted with him, thinking of Aunt Jamila and stopping them from spreading more rumours, Nedim stole her thunder and Aunt and Zainab love and attention.

Ceren started to feel Jealous and annoyed with him; she wouldn't involve herself with them, she would keep silent and roll her eyes; even started to count how many times she did per day; it wasn't like she couldn't communicate with them, it was just that, she was tired most of the time.

 She had severe pain in her back and feet but kept quiet, not showing it, especially to Nedim, so he would not start to lecture her about how she is not a good mother, he doesn't say it literally, but she can feel it in his words, Nedim sometimes could be insensitive toward Ceren. 

She doesn't want the fake concern; she knows it's not for her. It's just for the baby; she is just a vessel for him, nothing more; Ceren didn't need to get attached to things that she couldn't afford; she was alone in the end.

In the afternoon, Ceren was coming back from the market with grocery bags, the weather was getting colder, and the bags were quite heavy. As she was walking, she heard someone calling her name, turned, and it was Salim.

"Hello, Ceren, how are you? Do you need help?" Salim said as he tried to catch his breath; Ceren laughed

"Breath first," Ceren said to him, and he laughed.

"I am a good Salim. What about you?"

"Great if you are," Ceren smiled and handed him her grocery bags.

"Can you handle them all?" Ceren smirked '. It's very easy to talk and joke with him,' she thought.

"Of course I can; you are hurting my pride " She laughed more.

"Ok, Hero," and they started to go in the direction of the bakery.

"Ceren, would you like me to come and fix the cradle for you tomorrow? it's the weekend ?"

"Mmmm, sure, why not? Come at 11 am; I would like to sleep a little more."

"Sure," Salim's smile got bigger.

"Sure," Salim's smile got bigger

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