Prologue // First Attack

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okay so this part sounds really dark but it's not, i promise you :))


Patton smiled widely as his bakery was finally open for business in his old college cafeteria. Cameras were flashing from every angle as the crowd cheered for him. Remy clapped for a moment to show his support before returning to his Starbucks drink and Instagram. Emile cheered then told Remy he needed to retrieve something from his locker. Remy nodded half-heartedly, Emile smiled then left the cafeteria for his locker.

Since everyone was attending the opening of Patton's bakery, the halls were empty and dim. Emile opened his locker and pulled out the present he'd gotten for Patton. He was going to close his locker before he noticed another boxed gift inside. He frowned and pulled the box out, examining the yellow wrapping paper. He tore away at the paper and slowly opened the box.

Meanwhile, back in the cafeteria, Remy idly listened as Patton rambled on about his shop. "I mean just look at them, everyone loves my baking! It's taken me a while but I'm so glad you guys pushed me to do this." Remy took a bite from his cookie and shrugged. "Well, you're really good at it and we believe in you." Patton opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a loud boom from somewhere else in the school. Everyone quieted down and stared at each other in fear.


hello hello, don't worry, it'll all be explained in time :))

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