Im a survivor

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Next thing i knew when i opened my eyes , i was laying in a white a white room with some machines surrounding me...i even had an oxygen mask but i took it off.

As soon as i realised ,i was in a hospital....

What happened ? Why am i here ? Why i cant move ? Why it hurts ?

the door opens 

Doctor :'' Oh wake up little girl .How do you feel ?''

Me :'' Why im here ?''

Doctor :'' you had a small accident ''

Me :''......... I got shot ''

Doctor :'' Correct !..We have contacted some people from your phone list and they will be here....Dont worry. The bullet didnt harm any of your inner body organs..It hit you on the side.. you fainted. We stopped the bleeding''

Me :'' Why i cant move on ?''

Doctor :'' You are still in shock.Relax. You have nothing to worry about ''

Me :'' I was with -''

Doctor : ''I know.The media found out about it so they wanted to interview the boys. But one of them refused to go to the interview and stayed here until you weak up ''

My Chunji ! i said to myself.

Me :'' Can i see him ?''

Doctor :''He will be here in  seconds .Im heading out.If you need anything press the button and the nurse will come to you ''

As the doctor hit the exit  i saw a figure coming into my room..

''Oh Chunji...'' i said 

''Um...Im Niel ''

me :'' Who ? Niel ?''

Niel :''Do you remember what happened ?''

Me :'' yes..we were in the practice room and i got shot...Are you okay ? The others ?''

Niel :'' They are okay and im alive thanks to YOU !''

Me :''What do you mean ?''

Niel :'' Dont you remember? The killer was about to kill got in front of me and you were shot instead. .Why you did it Helen ? Did you want to die ?''

Me :''no...of course not..But -''

Niel :'' what you were thinking ?''

Me :''i dont know..i - i couldnt let them hurt you.''

The door opens again

Changjo :'' Dont believe her Niel..Its all part of her you can forget she was bullying you online.''

Me :''No.This is not true. Yes i sent hate. I was immature ''

Changjo :'' This is not about immaturity..Its about lack of self  love.You want to make others feel bad so you can feel are are a hater! ''

Right now you do exactly the same

Me :'' Im so sorry Niel...i take all the blame..i dont know what else to say.Im sorry for everything''

Niel :''I wasnt mad to be honest. i was just dissapointed. ''

Me :'' what do you mean ?''

Niel :'' what i said''

Niel :'' Your Chunji will come to see you in a while ''

Changjo :''thats leaving ''

Me :'' Thank you Niel/Thank you for staying the whole time by my side ...''

Niel :'' dont even mention it.I just...i worried so damn much about have to know something ''

(To be continued)

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