Extra: Love never dies (II)

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Sarawat suddenly turned around eagerly in his boyfriend's embrace, making them stagger backwards against a wall in the shadowy nooks of the backstage, their hearts racing. The distorted sounds from the still ongoing show were booming through the halls, making some of the thinner wood panels vibrate around them. Sarawat pressed in close, his thigh between Tine's legs, completely invading his space. He then lifted his hands, squeezing Tine's glowing cheeks between his palms.

The musician's eyes darted over his boyfriend's sharp face, as if trying to memorize every little detail, every crease and tiny scar. Tine blinked openly back at him, letting Sarawat have his moment of truth.

"Tine, do you want to m-" A squeaky breath hitched in Tine's throat, his eyes growing comically huge. Wait. Wait. Wait. He flailed a little in musician's hold, as if he was going to swoon or something. A smug, knowing little smirk curled on Sarawat's lips, eyes sparkling. "Marry me?"

Tine opened his supple mouth a couple of times, gaping like a cute fish out of water and apparently just as stupid since his next words made Sarawat's soul screech in agony.

"How?" Tine wheezed and Sarawat frowned instantly, dark eyebrows drawn while Tine scurried to explain, hands clutching at Sarawat's elbows while his face was getting pinched between his annoyed boyfriend's hands. "I mean, same sex marriages are not legalized over here. So that would not be-"

Oh. My. God. Sarawat almost rolled his eyes heavenward, tuning out the rest of Tine's nervous rambling. How the hell did his brain even work?

"Fuck that," Sarawat stated as a matter of fact and then murmured with much less bravado as he sloped his hands downward to clutch at Tine's upper arms, fingers sliding over the sleek, white fabric of his dinner jacket. "I only want to know if you'll have me."


Sarawat's heart raced inside his chest while he blinked harshly in trepidation, blood sloshing inside his ears, waiting for Tine to say something or just give him a sign. Anything really. However his boyfriend remained quiet, his head bowed between them. Then slowly he reached out one fair skinned hand and placed it on Sarawat's heaving chest. Tine's fingertips grazed the smooth fabric of the dress shit under his boyfriend's dinner jacket. The touch felt like a branding iron even through the layer of clothes.

Sarawat wanted to shake this personified nuisance until the answer just tumbled out of him. Why the hell was he stalling?

"Do you know what I think this shirt is made of?" Tine then suddenly asked out of nowhere, finally glancing coyly through his dark lashes at Sarawat, who was about to blow a fuse if Tine kept acting so obtuse.

"No, Tine, I don't know. What is it made of?" Sarawat muttered with a frustrated sigh and rocked back on the heels of his feet, feeling put out but still letting Tine have this. He was fucking insufferable sometimes but Sarawat would never deny him anything. And maybe deep down Sarawat was still worried that if he pushed too much and too hard then Tine might just run away. He never wanted that to happen.

Tine petted his chest again, enjoying the feeling of Sarawat's nice body and Sarawat arched his brows in amusement.

"It's made of husband material," Tine then finally piped up parts cheekily and parts meaningfully, eyes sparkling underneath his lashes. His hands then quickly fisted in the lapels of Sarawat's fancy jacket as he tilted his face forward, pulling the other man in for a kiss.

Except Sarawat just blinked owlishly, completely stunned when Sarawat.exe completely crashed down, letting the peck fall flat against his slack lips as white noise filled the space cavity where his brain had been mere seconds ago.

Toxic [2gether]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن