❄Ch. 7: Here We Go Again❄

Start from the beginning

Great. He's not waking up. He really must be tired.

(Y/N) then went to his side and knelt down to gently shake him and after a few unsuccessful attempts, he finally woke up.

"Oh hey there (Y/N), did you need something?" he asked in a sleepy voice sitting up as the file that was laying on him fell onto the floor.

"Chie's been trying to get a hold of you," she told him. "We've got one very persistent reporter downstairs with her cameraman and they won't leave till they can have a word with you."

"Oh well, it can't be helped," he replied with a yawn. "Just part of the job. I'll tell Chie to send them on up."

Hawks had asked (Y/N) to stay for the interview and as hesitant as she was about it, she complied with his request. Once the reporter and her cameraman arrived upstairs, the woman gave her a nasty look.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" she told her, walking up to where Hawks was seated.

Geez, you sure got an attitude don't ya?

Before Ms. Amano started the interview she quickly turned back to (Y/N).

"Hey, little assistant get me a coffee would you?" she ordered her. "And go easy on the cream and sugar."

Oh, you want a coffee? I'll give you one alright.

"Hi Hawks, I'm Asuka Amano from Yamagata TV. I'd like to ask you some questions regarding the recent Nomu attack," she began as (Y/N) made her way over to one of the staff rooms next door to brew some coffee.

She knew she was probably going a little too far messing it up but that reporter was really starting to piss her off.

When (Y/N) came back into his office, Hawks focused his attention on her.

"What you should be doing is interviewing my sidekick Frostbite," he told Ms. Amano as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "She's the reason why I was able to focus on taking down the other Nomus."

"Oh I could have sworn she was- but the people want their favorite winged hero, not some sidekick," the reporter told him as she took the coffee from the tray (Y/N) was holding and sat back down in her seat.

A second after she took a long drink, she immediately spat out the coffee, dropping the cup on herself in the process. (Y/N) had used some hot sauce left lying around to spice it up a bit. Though judging from her reaction, she guessed that she wasn't too big a fan of this new blend she concocted.

I hope the cameraman's getting all this.

Having gotten over the shock of what she had just drunk, the now coffee-stained reporter turned to her clearly angry.

"What the hell was that?!" she demanded, standing up. "You call this coffee?!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, was it not to your liking?" she asked her, a smug look on her face. "You see, I'm not the greatest of assistants."

Hawks was trying his best to hold back his laughter as he watched the entire exchange unfold. Though not wanting this to escalate any farther, he decided to step in.

"Ms. Amano, I'm afraid that's all the time I have for today," he told her with a smile, still trying to contain his laughter.

"But there's still more-" she started but (Y/N) cut her off midsentence.

"I'll gladly show you out," she told her, opening the door for them.

"I think I can manage just fine on my own," she responded as she left in a huff with her cameraman in tow.

Good riddance.

As soon as they were long gone down the hall, Hawks burst out laughing.

"Oh gosh, did you see the look on her face?" he asked her. "That was priceless."

"That's what she gets, calling me little assistant" she replied, still irritated. "And she was being so rude to poor Chie. Who does she think she is?"

"Though you may wanna tone it down a bit next time," he responded, having finally calmed down. "I do have a reputation to uphold and so do you."

"I wasn't the one who told her to go and spill it on herself," she laughed. "But you're right, I'm sorry."

Having been so distracted by all of this (Y/N) had forgotten about her lunch break but was reminded again when a growl came from her stomach.

Well, there goes lunch.

"How about you go get us both some lunch?" he offered her. "Then you can help me with all of this."

"You sure?" she asked him, stepping towards the door.

"Yeah, I was the one who made you stay in the first place," he said, grabbing another file off of his desk.

"Alright then," she replied, opening the door to leave.

"And make sure it's something with chicken!" he called out as she left the room.

"I know!" she answered back, making her way back down to the lobby once again.

Later that evening as (Y/N) kicked off her boots by her apartment door, she thought she saw something move in the kitchen. Since the shadow seemed too big to have been made by her cat, she avoided turning on the lights and prepared to make an ice dagger to attack if necessary as she crept further inside.

I'm probably gonna regret this.

A hand then came out from behind, covering her mouth and wrapping an arm around her waist causing her to drop the dagger she was holding.

"Shh quiet," the voice said as they brought the same hand that was covering her mouth up to her face to reveal a small blue flame in the darkness.

Remembering the blue flames that had saved her a few months back, she stopped struggling and they let her go.

"It's you!" she told them, turning around and quickly backing away since she didn't know their intentions just yet.

(Y/N) then turned on the kitchen light to get a good look at this stranger which showed her a man with spiky black hair dressed in a dark blue jacket and pants who had multiple scars across his body.

"(Y/N), we need to have a nice, long talk," he said, taking a seat at her kitchen table.


A/N: Look who's back y'all! 💙🔥 It's been a lot of fun writing this story when I'm not distracted with gaming. That's all for now though, see y'all in the next chapter! ^~^


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