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The world was all too dank and dull,

From forty shades of gray.

Little Anne longed to escape;

To go so far astray.


In dreamy sighs she did recline

Her head back to the earth;

And as the world before her changed

Anne gave a cry of mirth.


The sun was high up in the sky,

Its glare against the pines-

Looming mysterious blackish green,

Their bodies wreathed in vines.


The mossy path of cobblestone

Was weathered past repair.

It curved in fashion serpentine;

The trees leaned down in prayer.


Little Anne took it all in,

But thought the place too still.

She longed for broader spectral sight;

The land bent to her will!


Encouraged by her swift success,

Anne raised her slender arms.

She pictured them as dove-like wings,

White with feathered charms.


She felt her bones grow light with air;

Her wings lifting her core;

And felt herself leap from the ground,

Imagination soar.


And so Anne took to the skies,

Above her dreams unfurled.

But too far- too much altitude,

And her mind spun and whirled.


Turn back, turn back!- she told herself,

'Twas getting out of hand;

Her dreams had taken her so far,

Yet her flight had to land.


And now for once she closed her eyes...

The world before her disappeared.

She felt a flash of weightlessness,

But then- her vision cleared.


Anne lay sprawled back in her room;

Bed plaited monochrome.

She felt a twinge of sadness,

But then announced, "I'm home."


And so see, you can go anywhere

With imagination strong,

But forget not to rewind your steps;

Come back where you belong.

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