A Single Spark

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A single spark, struck in the night

From the end of the slim wooden stake

Sputtered and grew, whilst an ashen trail

Was showered in its wake

Like a spitting spurt of water

It pursued with just one goal

One spark made two, of that came four

Until its demand was too great for its coal

Yet it still lived on, for the fire made sure

It would be known and remembered

And so the lone sparks all united to stand

A bed of flare in the glowing ember

Came forth a flame, so frail and weak

It danced and flickered to the breeze

But could go nothing wrong, for even the wind

Was hindered by imposing trees

The flame burned on, self-esteem high

Thought no chance of being fooled or foiled

And so let out a roar as it met its brethren

All licking at grass and soil

But that tongue of fire was- alas- correct

For now nothing could strip of its survival

Even if rain would wipe out its burn

The heat would ensure its revival

A ring, a sheet, a wall of flame

Pushing on without fatigue or tire

Final attempts though made to cease its life

The desperation but makes sparks fly higher

Unyielding, unfeeling, consuming

Everything in its deadly wrath

Maybe we humans are that terrible flame

Destroying all that comes in our path.

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