" No, but there is an important difference to recognize. Wolves hunt for food and at a certain point they get full. Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill, who knows when that need will be fulfilled?" Argents told him but killing them wasn't the right thing to do.

" We can't kill them" Scott defended, " what if we can't catch them?" Derek asked him back.

" All we need to do is contain them. The high school is the perfect place to catch them. Nobody should be there. The boiler room will be the perfect place, it's just one big steel door" I said throwing the idea out and everybody agreed.

Argent then walked over to his car and pulled out one of his emitters. " We use these the corral werewolves, pushing them into a direction that we want them to go. It has a high frequency that only they can hear" Argent said that last part a little to happy and turned it on. We looked over to see all the wolves holding their ears. They all groaned and yelled for us to turn them off.

We all grabbed a few and decided which sections of the woods we would take. Before we all left Scott walked up to me, " Be careful" he told me and I gave him a small nod and a kiss on the cheek. I watched as his face lit up and walked away smiling.

Right when I got to the back of the school by the busses, Scott had just finished putting down his last emitter. " Hey did everything go ok?" I asked as I walked over and gave him a hug. " Yea, let's just hope that this works" he told me and grabbed my hand walking us towards the entrance of the place.

We then met up with Isaac and we ran towards the back but Scott and I stopped when we saw Chris. " Do you see that?" He asked us as he starred up towards the sky, so we followed his line of vision. " It's a firefly" Scott said not seeing the big deal, but I noticed it glowing. "It's very unusual. The California fireflies aren't bio-luminescent" Argent said but Scott didn't see the big deal, or probably didn't understand what it meant. " They don't glow" I stated and watched it fly around the tree.

" Does that mean something?" He asked us, probably wondering if it meant more danger. We were gonna answer but we heard howling. We all rushed towards the front but when we got there they just growled at us and went another way. " They're not going on to the school, they're going over it" I stated and Isaac and Oceanus ran off, probably trying to catch them or at least slow them down.

We had ran inside and they were already looking for a way out. I slammed Boyd into the lockers at the same time Derek slammed Cora. Derek shoved Cora Boyd's way and Scott jumped down from the stairs. " Come and get us" I said and we sprinted off down the hall, then down the stairs into the boiler room.

Seconds later we heard the door open and growls. We caught them by surprise and sprayed the fire extinguisher at them. Then we ran back out the door and locked it.

" Did that actually just work?" I breathlessly asked, I also had a smile on my face. I was happy that this was over. " What do you hear?" Derek asked as he watched Scott listen by the door. " Heartbeats" he said and I nodded, at least we know they're alive. " Two of them?" I asked hopeful. " Actually, three of them" he said and his eyes widened, Derek and I jumped to our feet. Scott went to open the door but Derek stopped him.

Derek stepped forward but I stopped him, "what're you gonna do?" I asked. " Close the door behind me and keep it shut" he demanded but I shook my head, if he goes in there he dies. " You go in there alone, then you might kill them or they kill you" Scott said, making it seem like Derek has a choice but I could already see it on his face, he made up his mind. " If I don't go in there, that teacher dies. I'm going alone, keep it shut" Derek said and then walked in. Scott looked it but I went to unlock it.

" Scott he's gonna die!" I yelled as he tried to hold me back, whatever happened to nobody dies? " He'll be fine, Derek's an alpha" he tried to reassure me but it wasn't working. He guided me over towards the steps and I could feel my leg bouncing up and down as Scott rubbed his hand up and down my back.

It had been a few minutes and the door opened, Isaac and Ocean came running down the stairs saying the sun came up. I rushed and opened the door. When we came in we saw Boyd and Cora passed out and Derek covered in slashes and blood. " There's a teacher. Get them out of here" He said breathless, I walked over and gave him a small hug, I know he wasn't gonna return it but I was just glad that nobody else died tonight.


Scott was gonna take Ariadne back to his place so they both could get some sleep but Stiles called saying that they needed to get to the hospital.

When they got there Stiles immediately rushed them into the morgue and showed them the bodies, one of them being his friend Heather.

" So Boyd and Cora didn't kill anyone?" Scott asked one of his best friends, trying to be hopeful. " You're gonna wish they did" Stiles sighed and covered her body. " Why? What do you know?" Ariadne asked, but she knew that what was getting ready to come out of Stiles mouth was gonna be bad.

" I'm not exactly sure yet. The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? They're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, the guy Lydia found at the pool. All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries. Throat cut, head bashed in, and strangled" Stiles explained but it confused Scott and Ariadne even more. " So if these aren't random killings then what are they?" Scott asked with fear and worry laced in his voice. But Ariadne had caught on pretty fast, recognizing the pattern of the way they died. "Sacrifices. Human sacrifices" she said and Stiles nodded. They all stayed there for a few more minutes in silence before saying goodbye to each other and Scoot and Aria headed one way, while Stiles went the other.

Nobody said it but they were all thinking it. They realized the pack of alphas weren't the only trouble they were gonna have in Beacon Hills.

Give your heart a break ~ Scott McCall Where stories live. Discover now