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Song Suggestion: Team (Piano Karaoke Version) LORDE

Waking up was never Anastasia's forte, she hated early mornings, the feeling of her limbs being tired and fuzzy, but on the island waking up honestly seemed to be the best part of the day. On the island the mornings come across as the doorway into a magical land, the trees allowed for the perfect amount of sun rays to slip through, enough so that her face warmed and the rooms of the small hut were lit to perfection. The teens limbs were no longer fuzzy feeling, and her eyes appeared to be much more prone to opening than ever before.

"Good morning." She whispered to the small blue jay on her window sill as she left to sit on the small love seat in the bedroom she now inhabited to search through the bag with a few items of her clothes. After a few moments of looking through her limited selection she picked out an outfit and quickly changed doing everything she needed in order to be done preparing for the day.

"Anastasia!" Tinkerbell called through the hall making the hazel haired girl poke her head out of her bedroom. "Yes?" She asks quietly and Tinkerbell chuckles with a small roll of her eyes. "You do have to come out of your bedroom at some point today, and it'd be better if it was of your own accord." The blonde says crossing her arms as she leans against the wall.

"Yeah, yeah." Anastasia says waving her off as she walks out of her bedroom, through the narrow hall, and into the large common area where her uncle sat cleaning his pride and joy- his sword. Anastasia sighs as she sits in the small chair near the couch that Killian sat at making him lift his eyes to hers before he looked down to continue cleaning his weapon.

Tinkerbell let out a small annoyed huff as she stared at the two Jones'. Living with them for years upon years gave her a first hand look at how they acted which included their stubbornness. "For God's sake just speak already!" Tinkerbell shouts out with a worn-out tone as she grabs a cup from one of her cabinets. Shaking her head at the blondes antics Anastasia sat up a little straighter and cleared her voice waiting for her uncle to speak, though he doesn't.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I know I shouldn't have fought, you both told me not to, and I'm sorry for not speaking and staying in my room the rest of the day." Anastasia says quietly embarrassed by her own actions. "It's alright." Killian says as he sets his sword and cloth down on the table so he too could sit up straight to speak to his niece.

"I understand the embarrassment of being taken down by a foe, but that does not mean that you hide yourself away for the day and refuse to eat unless Tink brings it to you quietly leaving you no choice." The teen looks down feeling guilty now as she listens to her guardians words. "If you want once we get away from here we can get you more lessons but for now please stop being so upset when you are bested by a boy much older than yourself who had been forced to fight his whole life."

With a small smile Anastasia holds her hand out and waits for a moment until her uncle has shaken it. "Deal." She says making Killian raise his eyebrow, that was a lot easier than he had expected. "Old Man." She teases as she stands up and dusts off her pants. "Old Man?" Killian asks placing a hand on his chest, faking an offended expression. "Excuse you, Madam, but I will have you know I am the best looking of the 'Old Men.'"

 The blonde laughs at the two joking in front of her. "Tinkerbell tell him he is ugly." The teen says making everyone laugh before they all sober up and begin to put on their shoes for the day. "So, what's the plan for today?" Anastasia asks as she hops up onto the counter making the once fairy frown disapprovingly at her actions.

"Well, I am going to search the island for the bean, today is as good a day as any and I would enjoy leaving as soon as possible." She couldn't explain it but Anastasia felt sad at this revelation, well, of course she was excited for her uncle to be reunited with his child once again but kindness was something that was rarely shown to the girl other than by her family and few friends so for a random boy to give her some kindness? She felt as if she owed him, or that she needed to speak with him again before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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