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𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕤 - 𝕆𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞𝕖/ 𝕎𝕖𝕚𝕣𝕕𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕠𝕟 {ℙ𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕠 𝕋𝕦𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕝

When Anastasia first woke up and left her quaters she was surpised to see that Tinkerbell and her uncle were already wide awake, as if they had been up for hours which was surpising to her simply because they were never up before her, heck normally they were never both up before noon. "Good morning." Anastasia said catiously letting them understand that she was confused on why they were awake so early. "Good morning." Killian said as he handed her a cup filled to the brim with a carmel colored liquid that she drank with a content sigh. "And you two are up because?" She dragged her last word out slightly so that they would know they should start their sentence where she left off as she sat down on a barrel. "I couldn't sleep, I had to make sure the current didn't take the boat to close the island and just being near it gives me an unsettled feeling." Anastasia chuckled slightly as she rolled her eyes teasingly thinking her uncle was being dramatic. "I just woke up early because the island gets my senses intensified." Anastasia then realized that neither of them were being dramatic that they were both nervous to be so close to the island let alone go to it. "Why is the island so hard on the two of you?" The young girl asked confused on how a island of all things could have such an effect on someone. "Since we're older the island puts our senses into a different fuction so we become much more aware, the way you kids are in general." Anastasia nods understanding what Tinkerbell meant now. "Okay, we should just go in now so we can get out sooner." Hook said shaking his hand out as if shaking out his nerves. "You know the rules correct? You stay with one of us at all times and if you come across Pan you run, I don't care where but you run as fast and as far as you can." Anastasia nodded as Tinkerbell went over the rules and then the ship started to move forward towards the island in front of them. "Is he going to be okay?" Anastasia asked refurring to her uncle as she looked forward to the ocean that they were crossing. "He will be fine. We all will be we just need to get on and off this island as quickly as we can." Tinkerbell says and Anastasia furrows her brows before turning to the former fairy. "If you just want to get on and off the island why suggest it?" Tinkerbell furrowed her brows the same and then smiled lightly as she shook her head. "Like I told your uncle I didn't suggest this just to come back to visit my old home, I hate this place as much as the next person but I know that there are beans here that can harness the power to make a portal and your uncle deserves the happiness of seeing his daughter." Anastasia nodded listening to Tinkerbell but then Tinkerbell backtracked slightly. "Not that you're not his daughter just that-" Anastasia chuckled and shook her head to stop her showing she understood. "No I understand, I want him to see Alice as well, he deserves that much in this life time for certain." Tinkerbell nodded and then they sat back and waited till their boat hit the light sand of the island that they dreaded visiting.

As they exited the ship with cation Anastasia was given the chance to check their surroundings and she was able to look around at the lush trees that covered the island, the trees were coated in vines and some held fruits but they weren't ripe or ready to be picked yet, there was also a small path way. Nothing special, even the path way was dark and just dirt with a few stones and pebbles. "I thought the island would be beautiful, you know, at least so they can lore more people in with false beauty." Hook chuckled as he handed Tinkerbell and Anastasia a sword to defend themselves. "I guess Pan doesn't think that far into it. The island is said to once have been one of the most beautiful and wonderful islands, they let you make anything you could think of but now that Pan has taken over it's all dark magic and it's holds a major loss of hope from others." Tinkerbell nodded along to comfirm that what Hook was saying was the truth. "Anyways, Tink I want you two to head towards your old house and see how it's holding up, I'm going to check pan old hide our and see if he's still there so if he is we know where to steer clear of." Tinkerbell nodded to Killian's order and Killian looks towards his niece. "I mean it, you stay with her and if you come across Pan you run." Anastasia nodded and quickly hudded her uncle, Killian smiled at the action and hugged her back bringing his hand to the back of his head to bring her closer. "I love you, we will meet at your old house and if it is not holding up we will meet back here." Tinkerbell and Anastasia both nodded to the middle aged man and waved him off as he ran through the forest.

Anastasia in NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now