“Yay,” I beamed my best fake smile and sat on the couch opposite Libby and David. “Tell me everything.”

Libby happily told us that she and David would be getting married on Valentine’s Day. According to her, it would be perfect timing, considering how she’d be a few weeks into her second trimester. David had insisted they be married before the baby arrives, something my own father was more than happy about.

What Dad was less than thrilled with, though, was the budget. Mom was insisting that money be no object for the wedding and that Libby could have the fairytale ceremony if that’s what she wanted. Dad said over his dead body.

Anna and I were to be the bridesmaids, naturally, and I’m not sure which of us were more ecstatic. Anna shot me a sideways glance when Libby told us that she wanted us in pink dresses for the wedding. I shot Anna a look that said that we’d mention the dress-hair clash some other time.

“So, how are you going to plan a wedding when you live in Boston but the ceremony will be here?” Sawyer asked from the kitchen as he cooked up something for lunch. I’m not sure what the concoction was, but it smelt delicious. “I mean, you’re on opposite sides of the country.”

“Well, that’s the other thing,” Libby beamed. “I’ll be staying here.”

“And what about David?” Anna asked, pointing to my sister’s fiancé.

“It’s tradition for the groom not to see the bride before the wedding,” Libby offered with a perplexed look on her face.

“It’s tradition not to see the bride the night before the wedding,” Sawyer scoffed as he motioned for Anna to try his cooking. “You don’t spend six weeks away from her.”

“Hey, if that’s what my bride wants,” David cozies up to Libby and nuzzles her neck with his nose. “Then that’s what she gets.”

It was nauseating to see Libby and David so in love and it only hit home to me that I didn’t have that kind of love in my life. I look around the room and see three couples madly in love and the reality of my situation was drilled home to me. I was single. And a freak. The only person who had seen the real me, horror stories and all, and the only person who had ever said that they were in love with me, was nowhere to be found.

I really needed to find Theo.

Starting tomorrow. 


I stayed at my mom’s house last night. Whenever Genevieve was home, I liked to spend as much time with her as possible, just hanging out and being her big brother. That said, as her teenage hormones kicked in, Genevieve made it almost impossible for me to be the over-protective big brother.

When I woke up this morning, I found Genevieve sitting at the foot of my bed, her laptop computer in hand and an expectant smile on her face. Sometimes, she really did look scarily like my mother- this was the look Mom wore when she was plotting something, and Genevieve was definitely her mother’s daughter.

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