Day Twenty-Four

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*~*~* Cate *~*~*

I woke up staring at a pure white ceiling and instantly I groaned. With a quick look at the walls to my left and to my right, and seeing that they were also stark white, I started to panic. How could I have ended up in hospital again? And more importantly, how come I don’t remember getting here?

Oh, no. I have amnesia. That’s got to be it. I’ve lost my memories.

I roll over in the bed and fall against a plush mattress that felt like I was sleeping on a cloud. A very big cloud. I pull myself up onto my forearms and frown when I see I’m lying on a double bed. I know it’s not my bed because if it was, I’d be staring at a wall full of photographs, but all I’m seeing is a wooden headboard.

“Where am I?” I ask myself. I look at the table next to the bed and see a silver photo frame with a picture of a very young looking TJ smiling out from behind the glass. “No… no way.”

I spring from the bed and start to see the familiar features of TJ’s bedroom. The white walls, the chrome and glass accents, the large window that gave the room its beautiful sea views… I had just woken up in TJ’s room, in his bed, and in his soccer jersey.

I don’t even remember putting this thing on. I look around the room and find my clothes in a neat pile on the desk chair. I rush forward and pull on my jeans and replace the jersey with my sweater from last night. Once I’m respectfully dressed, I stand in the middle of the room and try to remember how I ended up here last night.

Ok, so we’d gone down to the soccer field. I remember that. TJ taught me the rules of the game. He got me to take penalties. I failed at that, by that’s nothing surprising. I’m pretty sure he got me to play in goal. That was terrifying. TJ has a really good kick on him and I just spent most of my time in goal running in the opposite direction of the ball. Apparently that is not how you play in goal. You’re supposed to stop the ball.

Right… what happened after that?

Dinner. We went to grab some dinner. Except that it was late and nowhere was open so we ended back here where I cooked for us. I made those amazing tortilla pizza wraps with every single topping imaginable for TJ. That boy ate everything. By the time we’d finished eating, had cleaned up and put everything away- and talked about some really random stuff- it was almost two thirty in the morning.

TJ drove me home and walked me to the door. I’m pretty sure we were out on my doorstep for fifteen minutes searching through the contents of my purse for my keys. That’s when I remembered that I hadn’t picked them up and they were on the sideboard in the hallway just feet from the door. I shrugged and said that I’d knock and wake someone up. TJ refused to do that, and instead insisted that I stay at his house.

I think that’s what happened. There was no tingling sensation on my lips so I’m confident in the fact that TJ and I hadn’t kissed again. And if we hadn’t kissed then we hadn’t… done that either. So, all I did was sleep at TJ’s house, in his room, in his bed.

Just a friend having a sleep over with another friend.

Leap of FaithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora