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Have I ever mentioned how much I hate awkward silences?

Either way, I was slowly realizing that I was the architect of all the tension. I knew that my mouth was running away from me, and while I was usually amused by some of the stuff I could come up with, nothing had prepared me for the honesty I gave Theo.

I had never been this way with anyone before, and it scared and thrilled me in equal measure. Theo, despite having only just met him, was quickly consuming me- figuratively and literally if the kiss had been anything to go by.

The seconds ticked by slowly with no words forming between us and my sarcastic side gave my sensible side a tap on the back for finally making Theo realize how much of a freak I was. My sensible side countered that if my previous escapades hadn’t already turned him against me, then I doubt this latest outburst had.

I silently begged Theo to just say something.



"Speak, for God’s sake!” I shout, instantly clamping a hand over my mouth as I take in what I’d just done. Instinctively I look to the door, waiting for someone who had heard the outburst to open the door on us and break the spell we were under.

“Catherine…” He whispered my name in that seductive way he does. I imagine that he’s smiling dumbly to himself, a smugness written across his face that was probably knee-jerking. “Catherine.”

Taking that as an invitation, I plant my lips against his as my fingers tug into his hair. He groans into my mouth as he parts his lips and devours me all over again. His hands find my waist and gently pull me to straddle him.

In that moment, I became hyper aware of everything.

The way his hands traced the contours of my body. The way his kiss deepened whenever I moaned against him. The way we fit together like a jigsaw, as if we had been made only for the other person.

He smelt amazing. Masculine, powerful and sensual. He smelt exactly like he behaved as he guides me closer to his chest. I feel the friction of his jeans against my bare legs, and a jolt of electricity bolts through me. I wiggled, trying to shrug off the sensation, but that only opened me up to new ones.

Suddenly there was a fire deep inside me, and there was nothing I could do about it.


Not that I wanted to do anything about it anyway.

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