Rating people in Tower- Pietro x Reader

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Summary: You and Peter are walking around the tower one day, scrolling through Tik Tok and came across a video of a person rating the people in there house. You guys watch the video and decided that you guys were going to do it. Little did you know that you were going to be confessing your feelings to Pietro. (Bucky and Peter are your best friends.)

Also I know there are some people I did not involve but I just wanted to do these avengers.


"Do you want to do this with the people in the tower." Peter asked me with excitement. I looked at his phone and watched the video he was showing me. I watched the video and said, "Omg, I'm so down to do this." With that we made our way through out the tower to find our first victim.

We were at the doors of the common room, Peter was about to open them but I stoped him by saying, "Wait do you want to do it like an interrogation. Like we can call them down to the interrogation room, film them and tell them what they are." He looked at me with surprise and said, "Umm yes, why didn't I think of that. You are a genius."

We entered the interrogation room, set up the chair and camera. "Who should our first victim be." I said with a smirk. He looked at me and said, "Jarvis please bring down Natasha please, and tell her it's urgent." "Ms. Romanoff is on her way, Mr. Parker." The AI said to Peter. "Well now we wa-" I was interrupted by a out of breath Natasha with a riffle in her hand. "What is it, did someone hurt you." I looked over to Peter and he looked at me, I said to her, "No one hurt us we just want you to sit down on the chair in front of the camera." She looked at me with a confused expression but sat down where I told her. "If you plan of killing me, that won't end well." She said to us with a laugh. Peter turned on the camera, he turned to me and motioned for me to start talking. "Natasha Romanoff, she is a 10/10, scary but very nice to us. If you are nice to her she might be nice to you." I said from behind the camera. "Alright what ever you are doing I like it. But listen kids can I go know." She said to us with an impressed face. "Yes you can go and thank you. We are rating everyone in the tower." Peter said to her. She left the room after he said that but came back in to say, "Don't do Clint we are about to train, and you know what happens when you interrupt him." She left again after she said that.

"Jarvis please call down Tony." I said to the AI. "Boss is on his way, Ms. Y/L/N." Jarvis said back to us. "What do you kids want don't you know in working in the lab. What is this are you planning a murder, if you are ask Barnes I'm sure he would love to help." He said when he entered the room. "Just sit down Stark." I said already annoyed with him. I turned on the camera and Peter started to talk, "Anthony Stark, I would have to give him a 5/10. He is a little annoying, drunk, always down in the lab, always bragging and trying to be better than everyone, but I will give him this, he is a nice person when he is not upset. He's a father figure to the both of us. Okay that's it Mr. Stark you may go now." I turned of the camera and looked at Tony, he looked at us and said, "Okay first of all ow the hurt my heart and second of all aww I'm a father figure to you guys. Alright well this was fun and all but I need to get a drink and process the rating you gave me. Bye kids don't do anything stupid."

"Jarvis can you call down Sam, Steve and Bucky." Peter said. "They are on there way, Mr. Parker." Jarvis said to us. "What do you idiots want, what the hell are you doing planning a murder." After Sam said that he was pushed over by Bucky he said with excitement, "I will gladly help, what do you want to know. How to plan a getaway car, how to hid the body, how to-" He was soon interrupted by Steve. "Okay that's enough Bucky, Please tell me you aren't going to murder anyone." Steve said with a scared look on his face. "Just sit down please." I said with a laugh. I looked over at Peter to motion for him to turn on the camera. "Steven Grant Rogers, I would have to give him a 7/10. He's very nice but he's to gramps like." I said, Sam started to laugh, I look over at him and he said in a scared tone, "Please don't Y/n I'm begging you." "Sam Wilson, he's a 3/10. He's rude, makes fun of people and bullies my dear friend Peter. Other than that he's pretty chill." I say then I walk over to where Bucky is and say while looking into his face, "James Buchanan Barnes, he's a 11/10. He always helps us, talks nice to Peter, also pretty chill." Bucky jumps up and says," haha in your faces." "You all can leave now." Peter says while holding back laughter.

"Jarvis please call down Wanda and Pietro." Peter says, I look over at him and start to panic. "They are on there way, Mr. Parker." Jarvis says. We felt a gust of wind and hear Pietro say, "What is it printesa and spider boy. "Umm it's Spider-Man not spider boy, but please just sit down." They sit down and Peter motions to me to start talking. I clear my throat and say, "Wanda Maximoff, 10/10. Very nice, amazing cook, the best friend a girl could ever have." She awed and I looked over at Pietro and said, "Pietro Maximoff, 9/10. He is nice as well, but he can be mean at some times. Flirts all the time with all the girls in the tower. I may also have a crush on him." As soon as I mumbled the last part Wanda gasped and had a huge smile on her face but Pietro looked very confused. "What was that." Pietro said to me. Before I was able to speak I could see in the corner of my eye Wanda grabbing Peter and the camera and running out of the room. "Umm I-I said th-that I like you." I said looking down at my hands. I felt his hand come up to my chin and tilt my head up to look at him in the face. My breathing quickened and my face was as red as a tomato. He laughed a little and said, "I like you to Y/n, I have liked you since you arrived at the tower."

He looked at my lips then back to my eyes, I slowly leaned in and he did the same. He moved other hand to my waist and pulled me closer. He put his lips on mine. I sighed once his lips were on mine. He pulled me as close as he could to me. We slowly pulled away, he said to me in a low voice, "Would you like to go on a date with me." I laughed a little and said, "Of course I'll go on a date with you." "It's about time, Steve you owe me 50 dollars." We heard Bucky say over the intercom.

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