Baby avengers- Peter x Reader

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Summary: Peter and you are on your way home from school, when you get a call from Pepper saying that all the avengers are babies. And that Loki did this then left to find out what will fix it.

Tony: 2
Steve: 2
Bucky: 3
Sam: 2
Clint: 3
Thor: 4
Wanda: 1
Pietro: 1
Bruce: 2
Natasha: 2



Y/n and I were walking home from school, we were close to the tower. I was about to start a conversation but my phone started to ring.

"Hey Ms. Potts what's wrong." I said when I answered the phone. "Peter you and Y/n need to come back now. Loki turned all the avengers into babies, all he said to me was that he was sorry and that he didn't know how to turn them back. then he left to find an antidote. Please help, I have to go to a meeting in 5 minutes." She said with a panicked voice. "Oh shit okay we are coming back now. We will be there in 2 minutes if we run. Bye see you soon." I said, I hung up the phone and turned to Y/n.

"Everything okay?" She said. "No, you will see why later but right now we need to run back to the tower and fast. Come on." I said already running in the direction of the tower.

We ran into the tower elevator and pressed the button to the lab. Once the doors opened we ran out to all the avengers as babies and Pepper running for the elevator and screaming, "Thank you. I will pay you guys later." Y/n looked at me and said with a laugh, "Well at least it's Friday and not a school night." I laughed in return.

We looked at the little avengers in front of us. There was a baby Tony, Steve, Thor, Sam, Clint, Wanda, Pietro, Natasha, Bucky and Bruce. I saw Bucky walking/ tripping over to Y/N. I look at Y/n's face and she had a face of pure aw.

"Hello Bucky, do you want some food." Y/n said in a baby voice, while picking up Bucky. "F-f-Food" Thor screams, everyone nodded in agreement. "I guess that means they want food. Jarvis can you order some baby food, clothes and toys please." I said to the AI. "Of course, Mr. Parker. That will arrive in about 3 hours. Will that be all." Jarvis said. "Yes that will." I said back.

We put all the miniature avengers on the couch. I look over at Y/n who is still holding Bucky. "You gonna let him go or no." I said, I have to admit they were pretty cute. "Trust me I tried to put him down but he wouldn't let go. So I'm just going to hold him." She said with a smile. I laughed and turned to the other babies. "Mr. Parker and Ms. Y/L/N, the babies thing are here." Jarvis said to us. "Okay thanks Jarvis." I said in return.

Once we grabbed all the food, we feed them. We had only on mishap and that was Thor throwing food at Clint, but we quickly stoped them from fighting.

We then grabbed the clothes and changed them, Y/n changed the girls once she was able to pry Bucky off her. I changed all the boys once they were done eating as well.

We met back in the common room when we are all finished changing them. "Well that was eventful." I said once I put the last baby on the floor. "Yah, Loki better come back now." Y/n said as Bucky was crawling back in her arms. "I'm right here." Loki said scaring us.

"It's about dang time. Can you please change them back." I said. "Ugg fine." He said with a sigh.

We saw a flash of green, then it went away and we saw all the avengers back in there normal form. I look over to see a regular sized Bucky cuddling Y/n.

"Um Bucky, Y/n what are you doing. Wait Y/n you were holding baby sized Bucky. Haha this is hilarious." Tony said almost falling over. "I tied to put him down but he wouldn't let go so he made me hold him the whole entire time he was baby form. Even while eating, the only brake I got was when Peter was changing you boys." Y/n said while Bucky was letting go of her. "I'm sorry I did that Y/n." Bucky said to her with a laugh. "Oh no its fine." Y/n said.

"Ok all in favor of killing Loki say aye." Clint said. Everyone in return screamed, "AYE!" "Loki I suggest you run for the hills." Y/n said. "Oh shit, umm would you look at the time, I have to feed my cat. Bye." Loki said while running away.

"Avengers Assemble." Steve screams and everybody went charging after Loki.



I'm so sorry for the short chapter today. Bye loves :)


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