Part 2- I like you- Bucky x Reader

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Warning: Fluff, Romance, and slight smut.


I walk back through my portal that lead to the common room in the Avengers Tower. I had my wings, horns, and tail out, I also had a knife that was stuck in my side from the fight I was fighting with my brothers.

I opened the door of the frigid and grabbed a water bottle. I opened the bottle and downed the water in one big gulp. I threw away the bottle but before I was able to turn around I felt someone's presence behind me.

"Let me help you with that" Bucky said while putting his hands on my waist. As soon as I realize it was Bucky, I felt a blush come to my face. I put my wings, horns, and tail away but leaving my pale red eyes they way they are. He turned me around so that I was facing him.

I looked up and met his gaze. I stared into his gorgeous steel blue eyes foe what seemed like for two seconds but it was really a minute. He took my hand and lead me to his bathroom. The whole way there we said nothing to each other.

Once arrived he said to me, "Can I take this out or will you not let me. I understand if-" I cut him off by saying, "You can take it out, I don't mind." He nodded.

I jumped up so I was sitting on the bathroom counter. I hissed in pain once I remembered I had a knife sticking out of me. He repositioned himself so he was in between my legs, once he did that I felt a heat come to my face. "I'm going to take it out on three ready."
He said while looking at me with concern. I was unable to talk with the amount of pain my side was in, all I did was nod at him. "Ok 1....2....3"

I screamed in pain as he ripped it out of my side. My eyes managed to turn from pale red to blood red. He moved his hand to my side to stop the bleeding a little bit so he can stitch it up.

As he was stitching it up I managed to say, "Thank you Bucky. Thank you for helping me." "Of course Doll." I blushed at the pet name he gave me.

"Hey can I tell you something Y/N." He said as he picked me up bridal style and walked over to his bed. "Yah what is it." I said.

He gently put me on his bed and took a deep breath saying, "I like you. I have liked you ever since you joined the team. You make me feel something that nobody has ever been able to made me feel. You make me feel like I belong. You make me feel happy, and at home. I know I have done some pretty bad things and that you will probably no-" I cut him off by putting my lips on his.

He leaned into me to deepen the kiss, I grabbed his jaw and cheek with my hands. He grabbed me in his arms and put me on his lap. We wanted to keep kissing up we realized that we needed air.

"Does that answer your question." I said with a huge grin. "I don't think it does, maybe you have to do it again." He said with a devious smirk.

I laughed and said with the same smirk, "Are you making a deal with the devil Sargent." "Maybe I am." He said in a dangerously low tone.

I pushed him over so that I was on top of him. "You sure you want to do this Sargent." I said with a growl. "I do want this. Also I love it when you call me Sargent in that tone." He said with an amused grin.

He flipped us over so that I was beneath him, he attached his lips to my neck and kissed, nipped, and sucked. I growled at this. "Please keep growling its so hot." He said while looking up at me. "Oh like this." I growled again. "That's it. I can't be controlled anymore."

(You can fill in the rest 😉😏)

*Next Morning*


I woke up to being wrapped up is someone's arms, and with nothing but a long shirt on. I was about to attack the person but then I remembered what happened last night and that I was wearing Bucky's shirt.

"Good Morning, micul meu diavol" (My little Devil) he said to me in a raspy voice. I replied back saying, "Good Morning, soldat." (Soldier)

I wiggled out of his hold and got out of his bed putting on some fresh clothes. Aka I just waved my hand and some clothes appeared on my body. "I'm going to get some food, want to come." I said while going towards the door. "Yah just let me put a shirt on, how are you feeling." He said. "I feel sore no thanks to you." I said with a playful tone. "Well I'm sorry you wanted to do it. Anyways would you like to go on a date with me." He said with shyness at the end. I giggled while walking over to him, and saying "I would love to you dork." I ran a hand trough his hair. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I melted underneath his touch.

Let's just say we missed breakfast. 😏

*Last Night*

All of us were watching the security camera that was in Bucky's room/bathroom. "Oh my gods just do something already" Tony screamed. We all were falling asleep, until we heard people talking. "About time." Nat said.

"Hey can I tell you something Y/N." We heard Bucky say. "Yes it's finally happening" Steve said with a sigh.

"Yah what is it." Y/N said with worry. We were all sitting on the edges of our sets waiting for what Bucky is going to say.

"I like you. I have liked you ever since you joined the team. You make me feel something that nobody has ever been able to made me feel. You make me feel like I belong. You make me feel happy, and at home. I know I have done some pretty bad things and that you will probably no-" Bucky was saying until Y/N cut him of with a kiss on the lips. "YESSSSSSSSSS THEY DID IT!" Wanda said.

We were all watching Bucky and Y/N kiss, happy they finally kissed but then something amazing happened. Bucky garbed Y/N so she was sitting in his lap. "Ayyyyeee Bucky get some." I said with a huge smirk. Steve gasped and closed Peters eyes when he saw what his best friend do.

We were all cheering not looking at the camera until we heard Y/N say, "Are you making a deal with the devil Sargent." We all screamed with shock and joy at that.

When that happened we decided to give them some privacy. So we turned of the camera and went to bed.

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