Chapter 16: The Practical Exam

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(The students of Class 1A are now in front of the Practical Exam Area.)

Aizawa: Now then

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Aizawa: Now then...Let's begin the last test. Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes.

Jiro: Why are the teachers here?

(Principal Nezu comes out Aizawa's scarf & explains that this test will be different from all the others because the students will be facing the teachers. Nezu also states that the students will be working in pairs.)

(Y/N's thoughts): But there's 21 of us?

Uraraka: We're...fighting the teachers?

(Aizawa explains that your opponents & partners have been chosen by him based on fighting styles, grades, & interpersonal relationships.)

Aizawa: First, Yaoyorozu and Todoroki are a team. Against me. Then we have Midoriya paired with Bakugo. And their opponent is...

All Might: I am here to fight!

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All Might: I am here to fight!

(Y/N's thoughts): They're going against All Might? That's rough.

Nezu: And now, let's announce the teams and the teachers they'll be fighting in order.

1st Match: Cementoss vs Sato & Kirishima

2nd Match: Ectoplasm vs Asui & Tokoyami

3rd Match: Powerloader vs Iida & Ojiro

4th Match: Aizawa vs Yaoyorozu & Todoroki

5th Match: Thirteen vs Aoyama & Uraraka

6th Match: Nezu vs Mina & Kaminari

7th Match: Present Mic vs Koda & Jiro

8th Match: Snipe vs Hagakure & Shoji

9th Match: Midnight vs Sero & Mineta

10th Match: ??? vs (Y/N)

11th Match: All Might vs Midoriya & Bakugo

(Y/N): Uh, Principal Nezu, who will I be fighting?

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