Chapter 10: Time To Pick Hero Names

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(Class 1A are talking about how their past two days went since the Sports Festival.)

Sero: You won't believe what some elementary school brats yelled at me.

Asui & (Y/N): "Nice try?"

Sero: [groans]

(Y/N): Since I won, people have been coming up to me and asking if they could have my autograph.

Bakugo: Shut up!

(Y/N): Still mad are we?

(Aizawa comes into the room, instantly silencing everyone.)

Aizawa: We have a big class today on Hero Informatics. You need codenames. Time to pick your hero identities.

Students: This is gonna be totally awesome!

(Aizawa's eyes glow red, settling the class down. He then explains why they're choosing their codenames which has to do with the draft.)

Aizawa: Here are the totals for those of you who got offers.

(The board pops up to reveal that Todoroki has the most offers with 4123 while Y/N isn't that far behind with 4008.)

(Y/N): (annoyed) How does he have more offers than me? I beat him!

Jiro: Todoroki got the most, ahead of (Y/N)?

Kirishima: Yeah, it's the opposite of how they placed in the festival.

Yaoyorozu: [sighs] That's amazing. You must be proud.

Todoroki: These offers are probably because of my father.

(Y/N): This is bull-

Aizawa: Despite the results, you'll all be interning with pros. Got it? Even those of you who didn't get any offers.

(Aizawa explains as to why. Then Midnight comes out to help them pick their hero names.)

(Y/N's thoughts): I've got a name in mind but I don't know...

Midnight: Now students, who among you is ready to share?

(Everyone is shocked that they'll be presenting their hero names. After a few minutes most of Class 1A has come up with their hero names.)

Midnight: To be honest, choosing names is going faster than I thought it would. All we have left is young Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, and Iida. Oh, yes, (Y/N) and Midoriya, too.

(Iida goes up and states his hero name will be his first name "Tenya.")

(Y/N's thoughts): Here goes nothing.

(Y/N): Midnight, I've got mine!

Midnight: Step right up, (Y/N).

(Y/N comes up to the podium.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Why am I so nervous?

(Y/N): The Giant Hero, Mt. Man!

Midnight: Paying homage to Mt. Lady?

(Y/N): Yeah, plus she's my sister. She's the reason I'm here today!

Midnight: Oh, [shivers] familiar bonds.

Uraraka: That's adorable!

(Y/N): [chuckles] Glad you like it.

(Midoriya goes up & his hero name is Deku.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Why do you have to be so damn inspiring, Midoriya?

(Aizawa explains the internships even further & dismisses class so the students can decide who they want to intern with.)

Mina: So, guys, have you decided what pro agency you wanna go for?

Mineta: Mt. Lady's my top choice!

Asui: Mineta. Are you thinking something perverted?

Mineta: Possibly...

(Y/N over hears this & walks up to Mineta.)

(Y/N): Mineta. If you do anything perverted to my sister and I mean anything, I will squash you like the grape you are! Am I clear?

Mineta: (sadly) Crystal.

Jiro: You're probably gonna intern with your sister, right, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): To be honest, I don't know. I do have a lot of offers...

(Cut to a train station where Class 1A are about to head off to their internships.)

Aizawa: Everyone has their costumes, right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything.
Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it.

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