Chapter 9: Todoroki vs. (Y/N)?

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(Inside of Recovery Girl's office.)

Recovery Girl: How are you feeling, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Like barbeque.

Recovery Girl: Seriously?

(Y/N): I've been better. How's my arm?

Recovery Girl: It should be fine as long it doesn't get burned again like it did. So you'll be able to compete in the final.

(Y/N): Yes!

Recovery Girl: But that arm still isn't at 100 percent, so be weary of how much you use it.

(Y/N): Yes ma'am.

(Y/N exits Recovery Girl's office to find a welcomed surprise.)

(Y/N): Hey, Kendo!

Kendo: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): You here to check up on me?

Kendo: *blush* Yeah.

(Y/N's thoughts): She's so kind!

Kendo: So how's the arm?

(Y/N): It's fine but not at 100 percent for the final though.

Kendo: That sucks.

(Y/N): Yeah, but with you rooting for me, I'm sure to win!

(Y/N realizes what he just said.)

(Y/N's thoughts): I said that out loud.

(Y/N): *embarrassed blush* You don't have to root for me if you don't want to, you can root for Todoroki if you wa-

Kendo: No! *blush* Of course I'll be rooting for you.

(Y/N): *hard blush*

Kendo: *blush* I'll see you out there!

(Kendo runs back to the student section.)

(Y/N): Yeah.

(Pan to Mina, Uraraka, Asui, & Midoriya hiding behind the edge of a wall who had saw the entire thing.)

Mina: See, I told you guys that it'd be worth the wait!

Midoriya: (Y/N) has a way with the ladies, huh?

Uraraka: I can't believe how flustered (Y/N) got when talking to her.

Asui: Hopefully they end up together.

Mina: I'll make sure they do!

(Cut to the final match between Todoroki & Y/N awaiting to start.)

Present Mic: Welcome to the final battle of the UA High School Sports Festival! In just a moment here, we'll see which first years come out on top! Yes, it all comes down to this, folks! From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki. Versus his classmate, (Y/N) Takeyama! Now begin!

(Todoroki immediately sends ice to freeze Y/N which he achieves in doing so.)

Present Mic: Is it possible we've already got a winner down there?

(Y/N): Yo, Todoroki.

Todoroki: ...

(Y/N): You eliminated Sero and Iida just like this. But, that ain't gonna work on me!

(Y/N begins to grow within the ice causing it to shatter.)

(Y/N): [shiver] I'm assuming you watched my previous matches? Because if you did, then you should already know this but if you wanna beat're gonna have to burn me!

(Todoroki sends a bunch of ice at Y/N.)

(Y/N): Ice shatters!

(Y/N shatters the ice with his recently healed arm.)

(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh, my arm.

(Y/N): That kinda hurt. Fine don't use your fire, it'll be your demise!

(Y/N runs up to Todoroki & is about to Fairweather Flick but as Y/N's index finger is about to hit Todoroki, he punches Y/N in the face, stopping him.)

(Y/N): About time you landed a hit on me.

(Y/N enlarges his left fist.)

(Y/N): I'm going to shatter you, Todoroki!

(Y/N begins to run at Todoroki.)

Midoriya: C'mon, Todoroki! Don't give up! Do your best!

(Y/N): Midoriya really is a good guy.

(Todoroki fires up.)

(Y/N's thoughts): I took Bakugo's explosion so I should be able to take Todoroki's fire, right?

(Todoroki is about to blast some of his fire but powers down instead.)

(Y/N): Fiji Fist!

(The punch hits Todoroki square in the chest, sending Todoroki out of bounds.)

(Y/N): He didn't use his fire? Like I said, Todoroki, not using your fire would lead to your demise.

Midnight: Todoroki is out of bounds. That means...(Y/N) is the winner!

Present Mic: And with that, the final match is officially over! The first year champion of the UA Sports Festival is...(Y/N) Takeyama from Class 1-A!

(Y/N): I did it, Yu.

(Cut to the award ceremony where Bakugo is restrained.)

(Y/N): Somebody is a sore loser.

Midnight: Tenya Iida actually shares the third-place award with Bakugo. But, unfortunately, he had to leave for family reasons. Gotta love those familial bonds.

(All Might comes out & presents medals to Bakugo, Todoroki, & Y/N.)

All Might: Congratulations on winning, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thanks, All Might.

All Might: But you took too much damage during those last two fights, you can't always rely on your durability to win a fight.

(Y/N): Yes, sir!

(Aizawa gives Class 1A two days off to recuperate & to give the hero agencies some more time to scout them.)

(Cut to Y/N meeting up with Yu after the Sports Festival.)

Yu: You did it, (Y/N)! I'm so proud of you!

(Yu lifts Y/N up into a hug.)

(Y/N): I'm happy that I made you proud, Yu.

Yu: I'm so lucky to have you as a little brother, (Y/N).

(Y/N): (teary eyed) Sis...

Yu: So are you hungry?

(Y/N): I'm starving!

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