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<< C h a p t e r 19 >>

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<< C h a p t e r 19 >>

Don't freak out, breathe, Lea, breathe.

With a forced smile, I watched my mother changed into the Johny gown the nurse brought in. I helped her to lie down on the bed. We stopped in front of the operation room. They were giving us a second to speak some... last words before sending her inside.

I kneeled down, holding my mother's hand caressingly in mine. Taehyung and Jungkook were standing behind me, giving us space to talk.

I couldn't hold it, I was trying to be strong. I was trying to be the one who comforts her. Oh god, this is embarrassing, why am I crying when I'm not the person who's getting a surgery?

"Oh, don't cry, honey." My mother smiled, cupping my cheeks. I spotted a tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes, and that only made me cry harder.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, "you'll be okay, mom. Just a nap, wake up and you will see me smiling at you. Okay?"

"Okay." My mother grinned, she eyed the two males behind me before gesturing me to move closer.

"I love them both, I don't know who stole your heart first but remember, be happy is the first priority." My mother whispered and I almost broke down again. No, Lea, no more crying in front of your mother.

"Mom," I gently scolded, "hey, promise me. Choose with your heart." My mother mumbled, pointing at my chest. The way she's talking like these were her last wishes was making it harder for me to not cry.

"I know, I promise." I smiled, nodding.

"The patient should go in now," One of the nurses said and started to move the bed.

"No," I silently murmured, as they started to escort my mom inside. "I love you, mom." I shouted, making sure she heard it.

"I love you too." 

I covered my mouth feeling every drop of water stored in my body running towards my eyes ready for me to cry till i was dehydrated. The last thing I saw before those two white doors touched was my mother's beautiful smile.

Time has never ran this terribly slow.

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours.

I sat between Taehyung and Jungkook in the waiting room. They were quiet, the room was noiseless until one of them spoke up.

"Do you want to sleep for a bit? The operation still has hours till it's finished." Jungkook said softly, pressing my head to his shoulder.

"No, Kook. I-i don't want to sleep." I sat back straight, feeling the eyes of the two males staring down at me. I wanted to make sure I'm awake in case anything happens.

"I'll buy us some food then," Jungkook suggested, stroking my arm with his thumb.

"Hyung, can you come with me?" Jungkook asked, but it sounded like he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I should stay and take care of Lea-"

"Go, Taehyung. I can take care of myself and I... want some time alone." I nodded to reassured him. Taehyung gently caressed my face before leaving. "We'll be back soon."

Third Person Pov

Taehyung and Jungkook headed off to the cafeteria of the hospital. The place was a lot quieter compared to day time. The two didn't share a word, they never liked each other. Taehyung started to notice the lift wasn't going to the floor where the cafeteria was located at. Instead, it was going up, to the rooftop.

"Why are we going to the rooftop?" Taehyung questioned the younger next to him.

"We need to talk." Jungkook answered baldly.

They reached the highest floor of the building, stepping out to the open space with chilly winds blowing against their skin.

Jungkook didn't wait, he went straight to the point.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked, piercing into the older like he is his biggest enemy.

Well, maybe he is.

"What?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

"What do you want from her? Why are you back in her life again?" Jungkook talked to Taehyung like he was interrogating a criminal. All the hatred was written on his face.

"I don't have any intention-" Jungkook threw a fist to Taehyung's face. Taehyung fell to the floor, groaning in pain. "What the fuck?"

Taehyung furiously stood up from the floor, returning Jungkook a stronger fist. Jungkook chuckled, rubbing the blood off his bleeding lips.

"The question should be the another way round. You were there trying to separate us from the very start. You were the one who's hoping to get something from Lea," Taehyung growled, yanking Jungkook's collar but Jungkook only looked away.

Taehyung noticed the way Jungkook stared at Lea like a hungry beast in the forest every day at the campus. He hated him eyeing his girlfriend like she was his meal. Then he would act friendly and such to approach her. Taehyung was angered seeing Lea didn't push him away, but he doesn't blame her, she was too kind to reject anyone.

"Yes, I want to give her happiness. I want to be the person next to her when she needs someone. I will give her the world. So, step out of this and leave like how you did years ago." Jungkook fired back. In his eyes, Lea deserved the best. Taehyung will only upset her and bring her pain. He knows he's the person for Lea.

"No, you should. You were the intruder in the past, you still are and you will always be. You may give her the world but I will give her the whole galaxy because I love her more than anything else in life."

Awwww ing🥺

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Awwww ing🥺


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