Chapter 21

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Kaitlin's POV

We drive home after a long, romantic night at the beach.

Once we get home we put our two, adorable little children to bed. then go to bed ourselfs since we had a long night.

I climb in bed and almost instantly fall asleep.
Right as i start to dose off i feel Ross' arm snake their way around my waist.
I smile and move closer into him.


Ross' POV

I wake up to my phone ringing.
It was my manager.

Me: hey! What's up?

Manager: Ross! The producers of Austin and ally need you on set A.S.A.P. their shooting a quick love seen between yours and Laura's character.

Ross: okay. tell them I'm on my way.

I wake up Kaitlin to tell her the news.

"Kaitlin! Wake up" i say shaking her awake.

"Wha-what time is it?" She asks.

"It's like 8:00. Listen, I have to run to the set for a few minutes. want to come?" I ask.

"Sure. just let me get ready." she says.

I wait for about 15 minutes until Kaitlin walks out of the bathroom dressed, and ready to go.

We drive to set and the first person we run into is Laura.

"Ross!! It's been so long since I've seen you!! I've missed you so much!" She says giving me a hug.

"Hey Laura. it's nice to see you again.." i say.

"And who is this..?" Laura says a little less happy looking over at Kaitlin.

"Laura" i say.
"This is my wife. Kaitlin"

"Hi.." Kaitlin awkwardly says.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you" Laura says smiling.
"Ross, we really need to get ready"

"Okay. I'll see you on set. Kaitlin and I will just go to my dressing room." i say.

"Okay. bye!" Laura says.

Me and Kaitlin walk to my dressing room. as i get ready Kaitlin just sits their in silence.

"Everything okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I'm fine" she says.

"Okay" i say.

After I'm ready for this scene Kaitlin and I walk down to where their actually shooting.

"I have to go. but you can sit right here and watch" i tell Kaitlin.

"Okay." she says still kinda quiet.

"Are you sure you're okay? I ask looking at her concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. you go shoot the scene. I'll be right here" she says.

"Okay" i say kissing her cheek and walking towards the set.

"Okay. Ross, your character, Austin, just won prom king. and Laura, your character, Ally, just won prom king. when i say action Austin, you're going to read your speech which you mention ally in and then ally will get emotional and come up on stage and hug you. then, Austin and Ally will kiss." the director says.

"Kiss..?" I say looking over at where Kaitlin's sitting.

"Yes. kiss" he says.

"O-okay" i say unsure.

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