"Are you kidding me? Did the difficulty of this training ground change?"

Zero Wing's members were at a loss for words as they watched Shi Feng's leisurely progress through the training ground.

The players who were formerly members of adventurer teams, in particular, found themselves doubting their own eyes right now. Before today, they had rarely ever seen Shi Feng fighting in person. Most of their knowledge regarding Shi Feng came from battle videos.

Now that they were seeing Shi Feng in action with their own eyes, however, they doubted their senses.

Meanwhile, after Shi Feng crossed the 100-yard mark, the attacks he faced were no longer limited to straight beams and beams that abruptly altered their trajectories. Slashing beams joined the onslaught.

The addition of the slashing beams instantly increased the surface area under threat by a significant margin. Moreover, the slashing attacks contained great power. When Shi Feng tried blocking one with his swords, he found himself stumbling back several steps.

So, this is the first-floor training? Shi Feng deflected a slashing attack with Killing Ray, surprised by the change in attack patterns.

The first-floor training was much more difficult than the Extraordinary Tower's initial entry test.

If the trial before the 100-yard mark trained players' dodging capabilities, then the trial past the 100-yard mark focused on players' offensive and defensive capabilities.

While Shi Feng was entertaining such thoughts in his mind, the number of slashing attacks had very quickly increased from one to four. The difficulty of the trial now already rivaled that of Rhinebeck's trial, which Shi Feng had undergone to obtain the Sea God's Legacy.

However, despite the high difficulty, Shi Feng, who had already reached the Ascension Realm, had no problem controlling his body's instinct to dodge and block the incoming attacks. This was also the most rudimentary usage of the Realms of Truth—the skillful utilization of one's own body. Instead of moving just his arms and legs, he had to employ his entire body. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to dodge and block all these beam attacks.

Following which, under everyone's gaze, Shi Feng started advancing toward the central magic array at flying speeds. The numerous beam attacks couldn't hinder his progress at all.

After a short moment, Shi Feng finally set foot on the central magic array. Shock filled the eyes of Aqua Rose and the others, who were spectating outside the training ground, at this sight.

Although they had long since expected that the first-floor training ground wouldn't pose a problem for Shi Feng, they still had not imagined that he would clear it so effortlessly.

"That's it for the demonstration. You'll have to rely on yourselves to get through," Shi Feng said as he glanced at the flabbergasted crowd behind him. He then teleported to the second-floor training ground.

The first-floor training ground provided very thorough training for players to master the Truth Realm. If not for him having already reached the Ascension Realm, he would've most likely had a difficult time reaching the central magic array, as even the slashing attacks had started altering their trajectories suddenly toward the end of the trial. Trying to defend against such attacks was extremely challenging. Merely moving one's arms and legs wouldn't be enough to cope with these attacks. One needed to coordinate their entire body with their weapons in order to effectively block and deflect these attacks.

The difficulty was doing so was extremely high. At the very least, if Shi Feng were still in the Truth Realm right now, he would have an even chance of receiving a direct hit from the changing slashing attacks. In other words, if one had just entered the Realms of Truth and barely had any attainments, clearing the first-floor trial would be impossible.

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