Mmm, yes, H A M S T E R S

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Oh, I see you questioning the image above. Well, I edited it. you simply cannot out-thrown the queen of cursed images~
      now, back to your regular program.

"Tord..I have something to tell you..." Tom was in front of the T.V, in front of Tord. Tord looked at the Brit confused, "About what, my dear?"
Tom and Tord had been dating for at least a year now. It was a happy year for both of them, but the small Brit had a huge secret he's been keeping from Tord, and today, he was finally going to tell the Norwegian since Edd and Matt are at the store, which is almost always the case in these books.
Anyways, Tom sat next to the tall horn-haired man and placed his head into Tord's shoulder. Tom's hair was really soft, despite his father being a pineapple.
"Tord, would you get mad at me if I told you.." Tom mumbles, quite afraid of Tord being mad.
"Of course not baby, now tell me what this secret of yours is." Tord gave the small spiked-haired man a soft smile, It made Tom feel all warm and fuzzy inside.



"I'm a...."

"You're a...?"

"I'm a furry!!!" Tom shouted.
Tord stares at Tom, dumbfounded.
"Do you hate me..." The brit asked, he was scared.
Tord just stares at Tom. Then, pulled him into a warm hug.
"No no no honey. I would never hate you, even if you are a furry-"
"But..Your a scalie, and I'm a you think it would work out?" Tom sniffed, about to cry. Tord hugged the Brit tightly, not letting him go, "I know I'm a scalie and your a furry but I promise it will work out..ok?" Tom nodded slightly as they cuddled together on the couch.

Then not even an hour later, Tom and Tord where fucking echouther in Tords room. Tom in his furry suit and Tord in his scalie suit until Edd and Matt came home.

The End

I am not sure why I made this so detailed tbh but oh well lol.

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