Chapter 5

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“I do not see anyone.” Thor commented as they continued to cautiously make their way across the open land.

            “They’re here… I can feel them watching us.” Loki replied, keeping a tight grip on his scepter in case they were attacked. “Up ahead, that ship is still in tact.”

            “Jane will be there.” Thor agreed as they sped up.

            Loki let Thor go ahead of him, preferring to watch for any ambush that would trap them. If they got trapped here they would be outnumbered and killed for sure, not exactly something that would help the realms survive. Movement made him turn around and look around at the ruins they had already walked passed but nothing else stirred, after a few more minutes of making sure no one was behind them he turned around and felt someone grab his throat in a tight grip. He saw Lokia smirking at him as he tried to pry her hand off his throat and glared back at her.

            “Don’t… I’m your… father.” Loki choked out.

            She laughed at him before throwing him onto the ground. “Oh please do you really expect me to care?”

            Loki quickly got his breath back and looked around for Thor only to find that he was out of sight. More dark elves came from the ruins until they surrounded him; Loki kept his composure though and made illusions of himself appear throughout the interior of the circle they had created around him. Lokia looked at the illusions with an unimpressed expression before signaling the dark elves to fire at all of them. Loki went into action and started shooting back and stabbing the nearest dark elves, they went down but others replaced them and soon he saw his illusions disappear while he fell to the ground after receiving over a dozen hits. He knew they would heal up soon enough but Lokia was walking towards him with her own weapon out and ready to finish him off, Loki took out one of his daggers in preparation to defend himself when lightning flashed overhead and Thor slammed his hammer down with a sound more deafening than thunder. The dark elves flew back but Lokia managed to stay on her feet and glared at him as she watched more lightning come down and strike the dark elves around her.

            “Stop this madness Lokia!” Thor shouted.

            Loki scowled at him for a moment, he hadn’t needed saving, but decided to let it pass for the time being and stood back up. “Did you find Malekith or Jane?”

            Thor nodded and turned towards the ship where three figures could be seen coming towards them. Lokia pushed Thor back and met the group half way before having what Loki took to be an argument, eventually the Kursed was sent towards them and Loki picked his scepter up from where it had fallen.

            “Looks like they sent another minion to fight us…” Loki commented. “Thor, attack it head on to distract it, I’ll kill it when it isn’t looking.”

            “I’ve fought bigger monsters than this, I can kill it.” Thor replied before flying off towards the Kursed.

            Loki watched him and sighed. “He hasn’t learned anything, Kursed are almost impossible to kill… the idiot.”

            Still Loki stayed back and watched as Thor was thrown around like a toy for a few minutes before teleporting behind the Kursed and raising his scepter to stab it through the skull. He never got the chance to though, Lokia appeared behind him and Loki felt her black dagger once again go through his armor and skin, this time it went through his spine right between the shoulder blades. He crumpled to the ground and felt another dagger go through his stomach as he tried to pull out the first one, Lokia laughed at him and moved so she now stood between him and his view of Thor still fighting the Kursed.

            “Look at you, the king of Asgard, brought down by me…” Lokia laughed and moved closer to him. “I told you I would let you drown in your sentiment last time we met, yes? Well now I’m going to finish you, which in my opinion is doing you a favor.”

            Loki clenched his teeth as she pulled the dagger out of his spine and quickly made one of his throwing knives appear in his hand, he didn’t want to go through with his plan but if he didn’t he would die at a time Asgard needed him most. Lokia grinned as she looked down at him before positioning the dagger on his throat right below his jaw. “Any last words?”

            Loki could see blood staining the armor near her heart as she shifted her arm to allow more power to go behind her killing blow and realized what was wrong with her. “You’re still dead…”

            “Not my choice of words but it’s your funeral… literally.” Lokia shrugged. “But hey like the name suggests, it’ll be real fun.”

            Loki made his move and felt fresh blood gush from the new wound right below his daughter’s rib cage, Lokia’s face went paler from shock and she let out a blood-choked scream. Loki wanted to help her as she fell back but knew she would only try killing him, so with a heavy heart he turned away and staggered towards the Kursed who was about to finish off Thor. He pulled the dagger out of his stomach and stabbed it through the Kursed’s throat and slid it through, Thor summoned his hammer from where it had been dropped and slammed it into the Kursed’s skull causing the head to come off completely.

            “Took you long enough.” Thor joked.

            Loki grinned and tried to catch his breath. “You did say you could handle it…”

            “Loki you should rest.” Thor told him as he took in Loki’s condition. “I will get Jane and stop Malekith.”

            “No… I have to come.” Loki shook his head and forced himself to stand up straighter. “To get… Lokia…”

            Thor was about to reply when he noticed the figure appear and burn them with her gaze. “Why can’t you two just die?”

            “Loki move!” Thor shouted as Lokia sliced her black dagger across Loki’s throat and making blood fly in and arch through the air. “No!”

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