Same Spirit, Different Body | Thranduil

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The last conscious thought you had was a never-ending fall. And then you hit the ground. Looking around you noticed you were in a dark, creepy forest. Before being allowed to do anything, however, you passed out.

The second time you woke up was much more pleasant. A large fluffy bed cushioned your body, soft satin blankets enveloped you. Hair pulled back in a loose braid, soft robes covering your body- where once were simple jeans and a cotton shirt. Sitting up, your eyes roam around the room. It was big and open. A wide window letting in the sunlight and a light breeze, a white vanity with a matching armoire, and a writing desk in front of the open window.

"Did I die?" you question yourself. This room seemed too perfect and beautiful to be real.

"Ah you have awoken." a bell-like voice exclaimed. Jumping in surprise, you quickly look in the direction of a door. A beautiful woman with long flowing hair stood in the doorway. "How are you feeling?" she questions, closing the door and walking towards you with light, dainty footsteps.

"I-good." you stutter, unsure of how to react. She's stood in front of you, holding a glass of water.

"Here. Drink this, child." she holds the glass out to me. Shakily, you take the glass, drinking it, and realizing how parched you really were. "There now. King Thranduil has requested your presence as soon as you awoke." you choke on the drink.

"K-King?" America doesn't have any kings, and Thranduil is not a ruler I'm familiar with.

"Yes. King Thranduil of Eryn Lasgalen or Mirkwood as you mortals know it," she answers, grabbing the empty glass and setting it on the side table by the bed.

"And where is that? Somewhere in Europe?" She pauses in her work of picking out a dress for me to wear. Turning around, she faces me.

"I've never heard of such places. You are in Arda, Middle Earth." your thoughts swirl as a hurricane, confused on my circumstances. You shake your head in confusion, standing from the bed. She returns to picking out a dress as if nothing were amiss.

"You will speak with the king immediately."

"The guest, my king." the elf guard tells a blonde elf, draped across a tree woven throne, a crown-fit for a woodland king- resting on his head. His eyes were a shocking blue, it felt like he could look right through you and read every thought in your mind. His features were sharp and elegant, putting every male model to shame. The king was gorgeous. You'd never seen anyone like him, and yet there was something about him that seems familiar about him.

"Thank you. Dismissed." Bowing, the guard turns and leaves, leaving you alone with the king. A moment of silence passes, you fidget -the silence suffocating- while he just simple observes you.

"Imagine my surprise when my guards told me of a human woman found unconscious on my forest floor." he drawls, finally showing mercy and breaking the unbearable silence.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." you mutter, not sure how to reply to his statement, his intense stare causing you to feel flustered. A small chuckle escapes him.

"Now, Irileth tells me that you claim to be from somewhere none have heard of. Do explain," he commands.

"Earth. That's where I'm from. I've never heard of this place." you tell the king.

"Interesting. How did you get here?" he asks, cocking his head in curiosity.

"I don't know. The last thing I remember is falling, hitting the ground, and passing out," you confess to him. "Please you have to believe me, I don't- I'm not crazy. I know none of this makes sense. But you have to-" you ramble, not knowing if you're trying to convince him or yourself of your sanity.

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