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The team had arrived back from their case in Florida about a week later, and as everyone was stepping through the doors to the bullpen laughing and chit chatting, they walked straight into the stunning agent JJ had seen.

 JJ actually stopped walking in her tracks, suddenly becoming nervous to even be near her. She had no idea why she felt this way, and it was confusing her severely. To be honest, this particular woman had crossed the blonde's mind on more than one occasion during their case.

 Hotch smiled and moved to the front of the group and said, "Oh, I'm glad you're here. I was going to introduce everyone before our next case, but this is probably better. Everyone, meet Agent Emily Prentiss, the newest member of our team."

 Emily smiled and it seemed to light up the room. Derek reached out his hand first. 

"Derek Morgan, nice to meet you." 

Emily grinned and reached out her hand which was met by more handshakes and introductions from Reid, Garcia, Rossi, and Kate. When she reached the last and final member of the group, her smile became more shy because she too had noticed and been caught off guard by the gorgeous blonde on her first visit to the office.

 JJ stuck her hand out and said "Hey, I'm Jennifer Jareau, but my friends call me JJ." 

There was a moment right after the two had shook hands where they both just seemed to stare at each other, almost trying to figure the other out. The rest of the team had noticed too, because after a second Derek smirked, and attempting to regain everyone's attention asked if anyone would be up for drinks to celebrate the victory of the case in Florida. Rossi immediately threw his hand up and said, "You know I'm buying kids, lets go!"

 Garica piped in excited to get to know the new girl and asked, "Hey Emily, you in?" Emily looked around at the team and their outgoing attitudes and responded, "Sure, why not. It'll be nice to get to know every one."


The team arrived at the bar and shared a few rounds of drinks before Morgan got pulled off the go dance with some very attractive girls and Hotch and Rossi moved to the side for what looked like a personal conversation. Reid ordered a lemonade and ended up getting involved in a nerdy trivia competition between several guys who looked like they were having the most fun they had experienced in years. That left the ladies who found themselves lined up around the corner of the bar talking.

 "So Emily," Kate said. "What brings you to the BAU?"

 "Well my mother is an ambassador and has always told me I better not disappoint her, so after a little bit of moving around, I decided the BAU was the perfect mix of pride for my mother and satisfied my life long goal of being in the FBI." 

"Wow," Garcia chimed in. 

"She seems tough." JJ spoke up, wanting to talk more to Emily. "Well, we're glad you're here now. Our team could always use more strong women." 

She immediately realized that her words might have been too forward and her cheeks turned pink. Emily smiled at the statement and paused for a moment looking at JJ before asking, "So, who wants to dance?"

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now