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JJ had been in a rush, grabbing her coffee and keys before running out the door at 6:36 am to get to the bureau by 7. It was unlike her to be late, but recently her mind had been scattered all over the place and it frustrated her. When JJ pulled into the FBI headquarters in Quantico 24 minutes later, she parked her car, took a deep breath, and got out to start her day.

As JJ stepped off the elevator and took a few steps towards the bullpen doors, she started fiddling around in her purse looking for her phone which she thought for a moment she may have left in her car. "Oh crap", JJ sighed as she pushed through the bureau doors, hurrying to set her belongings down at her desk in order to start a more thorough search of her bag. 

It was at that moment that a hurried JJ stumbled on the foot of her desk enough to make her stop and look up and see a stunning woman standing in front of Hotch's office door. JJ felt her mouth open a tiny bit, almost in disbelief at the woman's beautiful appearance. She had raven hair that fell loosely on her shoulders and a light blue long sleeve button up that hugged her body just right. Her eyes were what intrigued JJ the most though. 

In the split second that they made eye contact before JJ shly looked away, she felt like she had stared into eyes that were filled with knowledge, beauty, and a deep understanding of love, if that was even possible to feel. After JJ had looked away, she felt more conscious of herself, and she straightened out her shirt nervously before she brushed off the encounter and grabbed the files on her desk that she would need to present to the team.


JJ walked in quickly and powerfully as she started speaking and passing out files to her team all sitting at the round table waiting. 

"Four bodies, all women in their 20's from south Florida. Local PD hasn't been able to make any connection between the victims except that they all have a striking resemblance to each other." JJ stated. She pulled up their pictures side by side on the tv in front of the team." Each of the women were reported missing 48 hours before their bodies were found. The first two victims were found two weeks apart, the second and third only one week, and the third and forth just 4 days apart. His timeline is increasing, and fast."

 The team glanced over their files quickly, trading ideas about the killer's motive and signature before Hotch stood up and said, "Wheels up in 20." The team gathered their belongings and headed out the door to catch the plane when JJ remembered the woman she had seen leaving Hotch's office earlier and decided to ask about her presence. 

"Hey Hotch?" JJ questioned. 

"Who was that woman that I saw leaving your office earlier? Was she another agent?"

 Hotch stopped walking and turned to JJ and said, "Nothing is official yet, however, I think she's going to make a great addition to our team," he smiled softly and walked away. 

A/N- I'm copying and pasting this in from google docs right now and I'm realizing how short the first few chapters are so I'm sorry but I promise they get longer I was honestly just writing for fun at first and didn't expect to write a full story. Later chapters are 1k-2k words 

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