Before you read!!!

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Hi everyone! First, I want to thank you all for reading this story. I know you're probably reading this because you wish Jemily had happened so the best way I thought I could give that to you guys was through this story.

Second, I have never written fanfic before and especially not uploaded it so I did my best. I really hope it's actually entertaining and that you guys like the plot. If you like it please let me know and comment, it'll make me happy :)

Third, this story has mature content! I don't want to insert warnings before those scenes because I feel like it disrupts the flow of the read, but you will get a good sense of when it's coming. These are only a few instances, so if you are not comfortable reading those parts, just skip ahead!

Lastly, I had a lot of fun writing this much and I do plan on regularly updating if you guys like it and want me to continue. Although I am writing, I want to give the readers aspects that they want since I'm doing this for all of you. I'm not sure how long I'll continue this particular story, but if there's something you want me to incorporate either now or in the future, marriage, kids, travel idk anything, please comment and I'll do my best to put my own take on it so it's still surprising! I like the idea of keeping this story on the longer side because I hate when I'm reading fanfic and it starts to get so good but then it ends! Thank you guys again for reading, I hope you enjoy it!

Total word count- 14,607

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